CD 810 Class Railbus On Zelecnicni Most, Prague, CZ, 2007


This album is to showcase a tiny sample of the mass of photographs I took in 2007, which may be my most productive year ever in terms of photography. I took shots in nine countries of all sorts of different subjects, and took literally thousands of shots. Maybe it was a record, but I took so many pictures I don't have the time to count them all.

K&WV Excursion Departing Keighley, West Yorkshire,…

01 Sep 2007 489
Whoops!! I forgot these two. Enjoy. :-)

K&WV Excursion Departing, Picture 2, Keighley, Wes…

01 Sep 2007 477
Here's another one.

Hrad Krivoklat, Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ), 2007

01 Sep 2007 314
Hrad Krivoklat was built during the 12th Century, used as a prison during the 19th Century, used as a family castle from the 19th Century until 1929, and today it's a tourist attraction. The village of Krivoklat is more common, but still pleasant. I was there mainly because of a steam train excursion that I was on over the Easter holidays.

Hrad Krivoklat, Picture 2, Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ)…

01 Sep 2007 341
I took this because I liked the way the tower on the castle composed the shot.

Hrad Krivoklat, Picture 3, Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ)…

01 Sep 2007 316
Here's the historical marker on Hrad Krivoklat.

Hrad Krivoklat, Picture 4, Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ)…

01 Sep 2007 1 328
Sundials mounted on the sides of buildings are quite common in the Czech Republic, and I've seen them in Germany, too. This one is in Hrad Krivoklat in Krivoklat, in the Czech Republic.

Hrad Krivoklat, Picture 5, Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ)…

01 Sep 2007 314
This is one of my best photos of Hrad Krivoklat, although I can't decide whether I really like it or not. It would have been nicer if we had had nice weather, or maybe not....

Hrad Krivoklat, Picture 6, Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ)…

01 Sep 2007 302
Here's another shot of Hrad Krivoklat through the trees at the Krivoklat train station.

CD #810 288-1 At Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ), 2007

01 Sep 2007 1 377
I took this shot while waiting for a steam excursion to take me back to Prague from Krivoklat. This is a Ceske Drahy Class 810 Railbus, very common on branchlines, but nothing spectacular. It probably wouldn't be unfair to compare it to the "Pacer" railbuses used in the UK, actually, except for that 810s are lower and wider, if I'm not mistaken.

ex-CSD #498.022 Passing Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ), 2…

01 Sep 2007 411
Here's our train back to Prague, although in reality it's passing through Krivoklat on the way to pick up our train. In the end the train was closer to 42 cars, rather than 3!! That's a record for my train travels, actually. The locomotive, ex-CSD 498.022 is a Ceskoslovenske Drahy Class 498 4-8-2, the same class as 498.106, "Albatros," which set a Czech speed record for steam locomotives at 162Km/h in 1964.

Long Excursion Train At Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ), 2…

01 Sep 2007 326
This shot gives an impression of the immense size of our train. You actually can't see it all here, as three cars are behind me, and many more are hidden around the curve up ahead. All that you can see of 498.022 is the water vapor plume.

Long Train At Krivoklat, Picture 2, Krivoklat, Boh…

01 Sep 2007 285
Here's the rear end of our train, looking around the curve and into the tunnel in the opposite direction, even further away from Prague than Krivoklat. :-)

CSD Coal Stove, Krivoklat, Bohemia (CZ), 2007

01 Sep 2007 385
Ceskoslovenske Drahy used coal stoves for heating trains until surprisingly late in their history, and this particular passenger car wasn't built until the early 1940s, although it looks 100 years older because of all the wooden construction, and if you could see the outside, it's 4-wheel undercarriage, devoid of modern trucks or bogies. Rolling stock like this could be seen in Czech movies as late as the 1980s, although I don't know the precise year that they were pulled from regular service.

ex-CSD #498.022 At Beroun, Bohemia (CZ), 2007

01 Sep 2007 397
Here's another shot that I took of 498.022 in Beroun, on the way back to Prague. Trains from Krivoklat to Prague have to be turned here, as the track layout forms a wye, so here 498.022 was being turned.

T6A5 And T3 Trams Meet On Palackeho Most, Prague,…

01 Sep 2007 380
I saw this coming, and took the shot. The trams blurred somewhat, though, so I'm not 100% certain of all the numbers.

T3 Pan Shot, Namesti Bratri Synku, Prague, CZ, 200…

01 Sep 2007 406
This is a so-so pan shot that I took of a T3 in Namesti Bratri Synku. It's not perfect, of course, since the tram itself blurred slightly, and I got a bad light leak down the middle, but it's a Lomo so I figured I'd post it to Flickr to see what people think. :-)

T3 On Palackeho Most With Hradcany In Background,…

01 Sep 2007 465
This one's got better clouds, better light, some tram, some bridge, and some castle. What the ...., it's a Lomo of a tram. :-)

T3 On Palackeho Most With Hradcany In Background,…

01 Sep 2007 449
Here's a variation on Picture 1 taken a little further back.

793 items in total