Wolf Down at Klub 007, Strahov, Prague, CZ, 2014

Cameraphone Crap, Part 2

Embarrassingly, I've run past the 1000-shot limit in the other album. Apparently, my cameraphone has become like a Lomo, which was never my original intention. In any case, I'm not discontinuing its use just yet.

Wolf Down at Klub 007, Strahov, Prague, CZ, 2014

15 Jan 2014 443
Here they are again! I know that it's odd that I'm posting all this cameraphone shots from concerts without any audio, but I'm working on that. I don't know if I'll do any concert videos in the end, since I'll want to ask the bands.

Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Prague, CZ, 2014

20 Jan 2014 396
During my lunch break, I had some extra time to go to Hlavni Nadrazi to watch trains. I hadn't done so in a number of years, and I got lucky at least in that the fog that day made the pictures slightly more dramatic. This is the south, or west (southwest?), throat.

Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Picture 2, Prague, CZ, 2014

20 Jan 2014 409
This shot is slightly further in, and to the right of the last shot following the tracks on the east side.

Materska Skola-Zakladni Skola na Smetance, Prague,…

20 Jan 2014 423
This building is close to the station, and at the time I took this I didn't know what it was. It looks impressive enough to have been built by someone very rich in the past (or possibly a government), but at the moment it's serving as an elementary school.

Railjet Taurus in Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Prague, CZ…

20 Jan 2014 416
These Taurus electrics are spreading across the world at the moment, with even Amtrak buying them. Most of the customers are still in Europe, though, and Railjet is one of these, being a private train operating company that partially serves Praha Hlavni Nadrazi. This was taken on the north, or east, throat.

Snow in Haje, Prague, CZ, 2014

22 Jan 2014 407
For the most part, the winter of 2013-2014 has been extremely mild in Prague, abnormally so, in fact. However, January saw normal below-freezing temperatures, frozen lakes, and so on, and this was one of the snowstorms.

City Elefant in Nadrazi Mnichovice, Mnichovice, Bo…

24 Jan 2014 414
When I took this in Mnichovice, it was still January, so there was still snow on the ground. That's a City Elefant in original livery departing to the south with a Benesov service, operating PID Linka S9.

Nadrazi Mnichovice Shelter, Mnichovice, Prague, CZ…

24 Jan 2014 461
Mnichovice actually has two station buildings. The main one behind me which I've shown in other photos, and this one, which shelters southbound passengers. This building, as you can tell from its appearance, is also old, so it doesn't date to the recent corridor reconstruction. Mnichovice now has a passenger subway at the north end of the platforms, but this subway doesn't cross in the middle of the platforms, and to the best of my knowledge Mnichovice hasn't had a passenger walkover recently, so this shelter is actually quite practical. It would just be nicer if it was a proper, enclosed building with heating.

City Elefant in Nadrazi Mnichovice, Picture 2, Mni…

24 Jan 2014 562
Here's a northbound City Elefant operating Linka S9 again. This was the same day as the previous two shots. This would normally be a shot where the number would be easily visible, but the shot blurred, so it isn't.

Frantiskanska Zahrada, Prague, CZ, 2014

28 Jan 2014 389
I've taken pictures of Frantisskanska Zahrada before, almost from this exact same angle, but in the summer. In this case, I happened to be there in the winter.

St. Mary of the Snows Church, Prague, CZ, 2014

28 Jan 2014 1 1 409
St. Mary of the Snows church naturally is open year-round, but here's an actual picture of the church in the snow. Officially founded in 1347 (some sources say 1397, so this could be wrong), this church is physically the highest in Prague with a 34 metre-high vault, even though this photo doesn't make it obvious. This height record doesn't include spires, as St. Vitus Cathedral and several other Christian places of worship have spires far above 34 metres. The altar at St. Mary of the Snows is also higher than any other in Prague, at 29 metres.

Ion at An at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague, C…

31 Jan 2014 431
Ion at An may not be a strictly traditional hardcore punk band, but for that matter their guitarist plays an 8-string.

8-String Guitar, Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Pragu…

31 Jan 2014 277
Here's the 8-string guitar used by the guitarist of Ion at An.

8-String Guitar, Picture 2, Cafe na pul cesty, Pan…

31 Jan 2014 306
Here's a closeup of the upper register on the 8-string.

Sunrise in Haje, Prague, CZ, 2014

07 Feb 2014 360
This was just a lucky shot that I got on the way to work one morning.

Zelivskeho Metro Station, Zelivskeho, Prague, CZ,…

25 Feb 2014 414
Zelivskeho Metro station, on Linka A, still shows its Communist heritage, at least in terms of styling. I'm not clear on whether this station office is out of use, or whether it just looks it.

Zelivskeho Metro Station Historical Marker, Zelivs…

25 Feb 2014 447
Like all stations on the Prague Metro, Zelivskeho is relatively new by the standards of railways. As you can see from this maker, it was openedon the 1st of December, 1980.

Alaverdi at Cafe na pul cesty, Pankrac, Prague, CZ…

28 Feb 2014 1 1 370
Alaverdi were another hardcore band that played at Cafe na pul cesty this year.

196 items in total