Caerphilly Castle, Picture 3, Edited Version, Caerphilly, Wales (UK), 2012


Looking back on 2012, I assumed that it had been a much busier year than many in the past. However, bizarrely, this is also the year in which I have, since 2006, posted the fewest photos online. I can't account for this, other than to say that I probably didn't take as many photos proportionally to what I was doing. You can see from the wide range of subject matter that I actually did quite a l…  (read more)

Ffestiniog Railway, Picture 18, Edited Version, Mi…

17 Oct 2013 122
Here's the station under the trees.

Ffestiniog Railway, Picture 20, Edited Version, Mi…

17 Oct 2013 88
One of the Ffestiniog's freight customers over the years was the Maenofferen Quarry, and there's still a yard here. However, business has always been sporadic. The first use of the railway was between 1848 and 1850 (the quarry predates the railway by about 36 years, having been started in 1800), then 1857-1865, when there was a pause, and then the longest continuous freight service was in 1865-1962, even the period from 1946-1954, when the Ffestiniog wasn't operating and the quarry operated its own trains by leasing the section of the line to Duffws, where there was a connection with the LMS and later BR.

Ffestiniog Railway, Picture 21, Edited Version, Bo…

17 Oct 2013 121
This is the Ffestiniog's main locomotive works, Boston Lodge. It's small, but over the years most of the railway's locomotives have been built here. Naturally, heavy overhauls are also conducted here.

Ffestiniog Railway, Picture 23, Edited Version, Th…

17 Oct 2013 112
This is a causeway of sorts called "The Cob," across the bay that separates Boston Lodge from Porthmadog. It actually predates the railway by many years, having been completed in 1811 by William Madocks, a local "agricultural improver," who also founded Porthmadog. Many people don't know that Wales was relatively undeveloped until the 19th Century, although there are Medieval castles like Conwy.

Porthmadog Station, Edited Version, Porthmadog, Gw…

17 Oct 2013 134
Here's the Porthmadog yard, with the station on the right.

St. Gereon Church, Picture 3, Edited Version, Koln…

17 Oct 2013 86
Jumping ahead a few days to my long-distance train trip back to Prague, I had a layover in Koln, and went for a walk near the station. This is the St. Gereon church, which admittedly I know very little about.

Mohrenstrasse, Edited Version, Koln (Cologne), Nor…

18 Oct 2013 135
This was one of the side streets near the St. Gereon church. It was unclear whether it was really worn, or scraped clean awaiting repaving, but you could see the cobblestones underneath the blacktop.

The Reflections at Cafe na pul cesty, Prague, CZ,…

14 Sep 2012 89
This band were unknown to me, and I've had trouble finding information about them online, although they already had T-shirts made (I don't remember if they were selling their demo). They were on a triple bill with Think Twice and Abolition. All I was able to find out was that they were from Germany.

Think Twice at Cafe na pul cesty, Prague, CZ, 2012

14 Sep 2012 103
This was the only decent photo that I got of Think Twice, who were from Britain. They've already got several releases on vinyl.

Abolition at Cafe na pul cesty, Prague, CZ, 2012

14 Sep 2012 92
This was Abolition, also from Britain, who had an LP that I bought. It was a great show, although I haven't played the LP yet as I don't have a turntable at the moment.

Abolition at Cafe na pul cesty, Picture 2, Prague,…

14 Sep 2012 63
This was an alternate shot. All of my photos were blurred, which is normal for my cameraphone when I take it to a punk club at night.

CSA Douglas DC-3, Registration OK-XDM, Ruzyne (Vac…

17 Sep 2012 89
I first saw this plane a number of years ago, but didn't get around to photographing it until 2012, when I was thinking of doing a CSA repaint for the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 DC-3. I never got around to the repaint project, but I decided to post these research shots as they stand reasonably well on their own. At least...I think they're decent for cameraphone shots from a day when the weather wasn't ideal.

CSA Douglas DC-3, Registration OK-XDM, Picture 2,…

17 Sep 2012 102
Here's a frontal shot. Getting all of the wings was difficult with the cameraphone.

CSA Douglas DC-3, OK-XDM, Picture 3, Ruzyne (Vacla…

17 Sep 2012 1 1 107
Here's the nose, with a very early CSA logo on it.

(2013?) Opel Ampera, Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ…

17 Sep 2012 1 1 97
On September 17th, there as an electric and LPG vehicle show on Vaclavske Namesti. Electric cars aren't normally my thing, but a number of the models on display looked very refined. This is an Opel Ampera, presumably a 2013 model, which is based on the Chevy Volt. It is slightly sleeker than the Volt, however (unless that's an optical illusion). I didn't get the sense that it was a concept car, as there were several on hand in different colors, and Wikipedia claims that thousands had already been produced since the 2011 model year.

Prague EMS Smart Eon, Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, C…

17 Sep 2012 1 1 65
The Smart Eon is the electric version of the Smart ForTwo, and is already in wide service in Prague, although primarily as a fleet vehicle. One user is this ambulance service, one of several in Prague (I don't know the background on them, but there are several EMS providers in Prague). Another fleet are operated by a hotel, presumably in livery or rental service.

(2013?) Mercedes-Benz Econic 1828 LL Rotopress 516…

17 Sep 2012 90
Even if cars are eventually abolished, there will probably always be trucks (or at least they'll outlive cars). This was an LPG-powered garbage truck, already painted for Prazske Sluzby, who handle trash collection in Prague.

Mystery LGB Edmundson Ticket on the Floor of Pankr…

23 Sep 2012 100
This was an odd find. Every now and then I spot an unusual ticket on the floor of a Metro station. This one may not even be from a real train, as it has an LGB logo on it. LGB make model trains only, mostly in G Scale. The ticket is an obsolete ticket style called an "Edmundson" ticket, and used extensively in Britain until the advent of computerized ticket printing machines in the 1980's. Today they're used mostly be heritage railways and tour operators.

243 items in total