Vaclavske Namesti In The Rain, Prague, CZ, 2007

Prague Without The Trains or the Cameraphone

This is an album for those of you exasperated with the number of train, tram, and general rail photos I have. :-) This is the "quality" Prague album, at least to people who hate trains. :-)

Forbes Arena, Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ, 2007

08 Nov 2007 450
Forbes Area is a Sidliste Haje, built by the Communists originally. I'm not aware of when Forbes itself was built, or what it was originally, but this is one of several photos that I have of it, taken in March of this year.

Sun on Buildings, Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ, 2007

10 Nov 2007 285
I saw this light and these colors while testing my N80 for the first time in March, and I knew I had to take this shot. These buildings are Panelak apartment blocks in Sidliste Haje, a Communist-era housing project in the south of Prague that has seen a lot of renovation and modernisation in recent years.

Milichovsky Les Park Signs, Haje, Prague, CZ, 2007

10 Nov 2007 448
Just south of Sidliste Haje, at the southern border of the city, is this park, Milichovsky Les, which provides a striking contrast to Sidliste Haje. The trees mostly hide the Panelaks of the Sidliste, so that you would never know where you are if you didn't know the area. Notice that Kreslice, the nearest town to this part of Prague (although some maps consider it part of Praha 11, the street signs indicate that it's seperate, so I don't know who's really right), is only 2 Km. away. I don't know anything about Pitkovice, but Uhrineves is indisputably part of Prague.

Cabin In Milichovsky Les, Haje, Prague, CZ, 2007

10 Nov 2007 496
Milichovsky Les is so much more rural than Sidliste Haje that I even found this cabin there. I have no idea who owns it, but it looks perfectly suitable as a cabin if you can ignore the sound of cars coming in and out of Haje a few hundred meters away.

Sidliste Haje From Milichovsky Rybnik, Haje, Pragu…

10 Nov 2007 514
This is a rybnik, or pond, that borders Milichovsky Les and Sidliste Haje, and gives you a contrast between these two parts of Prague.

Trail To Uhrineves, Milichovsky Les, Haje, Prague,…

10 Nov 2007 414
Here's another shot I took in Milichovsky Les, on the same trail that I took the other Milichov photos posted so far. I jog on this trail now, since discovering it, although I've never gone all the way to Uhrineves, as it's prettier to go to Kreslice, which is also not as far.

Bees? On Magnolia, Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ, 2007

02 Dec 2007 275
I may very well be making a blunder about the type of tree, so definitely correct me if I'm wrong. Even more annoying, I can't find the bees, but I know that that's why I took this.

Bees On Magnolia, Picture 2, Prague, CZ, 2007

02 Dec 2007 391
Okay, here you can see the bees better. This was only the second black and white (after Picture 1 of this) that I took with my Nikon N80, and luckily it came out decent, I think. I'm going to try more of these next summer, if possible, as it occurred to me recently that....well....I like bees. :-) These ones are honeybees, but I don't know if they're domestic or wild. Supposedly all the ones in America are domestic, but I know very little about bees in the rest of the world.

Vandalism, Sidliste Cerny Most, Prague, CZ, 2007

02 Dec 2007 362
In a place as filthy and disgusting as Cerny Most, grafitti, public defecation, litter, and miscellaneous vandalism are inevitable. It seems that these things go on most where people figure the place is so vile that nobody in law enforcement will notice, and come to think of it I've never seen a cop out here (don't count on them not showing up if you're really bad, though). No criminals or cops in this picture, though, just litter, grafitti, and panelaks. Surprisingly, nobody has chosen to take a dump on that roof.

Vandalism, Picture 2, Sidliste Cerny Most, Prague,…

02 Dec 2007 320
Here's a shot of the lovely Cerny Most Metro, at the Cerny Most end of the tubular bridge. In reality, it's not this awful inside the station, just outside. I can't tell what that stuff on the footpath is, but I'm sure you can guess.

Vandalism, Picture 3, Sidliste Cerny Most, Prague,…

02 Dec 2007 324
And here's a shot of even worse vandalism, much like you would see in London, or maybe New York circa-1982-89. that stuff on the ground moss, weeds, or....

Sunset and Clouds, Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ, 2007

04 Dec 2007 293
I know that I've got a lot of these taken in Haje, but Haje does get some pretty impressive sunsets, so I've done a lot of shots there. This one is unfortunately marred by that light leak down the middle. Lomo issues again.

Sunset and Clouds, Picture 2, Sidliste Haje, Pragu…

04 Dec 2007 280
Here's an alternate to the other Lomo that I just posted, with another larger, but more moderate light leak.

Hippie Cement Trucks, Namesti I.P Pavlova, Prague,…

04 Dec 2007 1 316
Well....what else would you call them? I don't know if I've ever seen hippy construction workers anywhere.....but Prague, or at the very least, if they were hippies, they didn't take it this far. :-) "At least, well, at least, at least elsewhere they stay undercover....I mean.....they could be a bad influence on...." :-) :-) :-) :-)

Jindrisska Vez, Jindrisska, Prague, CZ, 2007

04 Dec 2007 272
Here's Jindrisska Vez, or the Jindrisska Tower, on Jindrisska in Prague. This is a favorite shooting location for Flickrites, espeically from the top of it, but oddly I don't have too many shots of it on the internet.

Prague Bridges From Most Legii, Prague, CZ, 2005

07 Dec 2007 336
I randomly shot this on the way home from my first visit to the Prague Public Transport Museum, and looking at it later I thought it looked quite artistic, even if the bridges aren't as clearly in view as I had hoped. The main problem I see is that sign up in the right corner.

Prague Bridges From Most Legii, B&W Version, Pragu…

07 Dec 2007 305
Here's a black and white version.

Southwest Prague From Petrinsky Sady, Prague, CZ,…

26 Dec 2007 254
At least....I'm pretty sure this was Petrinsky Sady. Most of my cityscapes from above are taken from there, as there aren't many other vantage points you can shoot from, other than maybe Letenske Sady, which I've rarely used, if ever, Vysehrad, which this is almost certainly not, and the Hrad, which I'm fairly certain this isn't.

361 items in total