Nadrazi Marianske Lazne, Edited Version, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarske Kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

Marianske Lazne, CZ

Like Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, also known as Marienbad, became a popular tourist destination in the 19th Century due to its mineral water springs. Today it's still a tourist destination not only because of the springs, but also because of the attractive architecture left over from the spa's heyday.

15 Nov 2011

315 visits

Nadrazi Marianske Lazne, Edited Version, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarske Kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

My next trip was a natural follow-up to my Karlovy Vary trip. Both Karlovy Vary, or Carlsbad, and Marianske Lazne, or Marienbad, became popular tourist destinations in the 19th Century due to their mineral water springs, which were thought to have curative effects. If you're just interested in a city trip to see interesting buildings, Marianske Lazne may be the more interesting of the two cities, as its hotels and restaurants, most of which are of late 19th-and-early-20th-Century vintage represent some of the most attractive buildings of that period. This is the train station, of course, but here we only see the canopy (admittedly steam-era), and the train that I came on.

15 Nov 2011

252 visits

Nadrazi Marianske Lazne, Picture 2, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarske Kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

Here's a much better view of Nadrazi Marianske Lazne, with its 19th-Century Austrian architecture. The station may have always been bigger than it needed to be, and today it's absolutely immense, not that that's a bad thing for the future, when oil prices will skyrocket.

21 Mar 2012

167 visits

Penzion Elektra, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarsky kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

Most of the more interesting buildings (although not all) are hotels built in the 19th and early 20th centuries, when tourism to Marianske Lazne was at its peak, and the city was still called Marienbad. This is the Penzion Elektra.

21 Mar 2012

214 visits

Marianske Lazne, Picture 5, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

I wasn't clear to me whether this house is now being used as a hotel, offices, or both, but it is notable not only for its attractive architecture, but for a plaque (just visible on the lower right part of the building) commemorating the time Sigmund Freud spent here. Although people usually think of Freud as an Austrian or a German, he was actually a German-speaking Moravian, making him an Austrian by the standards of his day due to the Hapsburg Empire. Due to his Czech ties, Marianske Lazne isn't the only place in the Czech Republic where you can find references to him. Mozart is another common figure to see in Czech history and commemorated on buildings, as he was in the same situation, having been born in Salzburg, Austria in the time of the Hapsburgs, and having travelled throughout the empire while on tour, but that's a story for another place.

21 Mar 2012

240 visits

Skoda Hybrid Bus, Cropped Version, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

This is, surprisingly enough, a hybrid bus, for lack of a better term. It can run off of catenary like a trolleybus, or on diesel like a conventional bus. It looks like a Karosa, but it's actually built by Skoda, a traditional trolleybus maker. Here you can see it retracting its trolley pantograph.

21 Mar 2012

224 visits

Skoda Hybrid Bus in Marianske Lazne, Picture 3, Cropped Version, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

Here's a front view of the bus, revealing the Skoda logo above the bumper. The trolley pantograph is fully retracted here, and the bus is starting to pull away under diesel power.

21 Mar 2012

166 visits

Earwig on the Cobbles, Cropped Version, Marianske Lazne, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

When I figure saw an earwig in Europe a few years ago, walking on a sidewalk in Patras, Greece, I was very surprised. I always assumed that these were American animals, but in actuality you can find them in most of the world. I also found out to my surprise that they can fly, although they do so rarely. In spite of their reputation and their looks, though, the pincer on their rear is more for intimidation than anything else, as they aren't particularly aggressive. I'm not an expert, but this one looks male, as males have more curved pincers. Earwigs aren't culturally significant to the Czech Republic, although you do hear the Czech word for them, Skvor, here and there. There a pub in Cercany named U Skvoru, for example, and I'm pretty sure there's a band called Skvor as well (although a Yahoo search failed to turn up anything).

21 Mar 2012

215 visits

Post Office (Marianske Lazne Picture 10), Marianske Lazne, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

This building is one of the exceptions in Marianske Lazne, in that it looks impressive, but isn't actually a hotel. It's the post office, in fact.

21 Mar 2012

205 visits

Marianske Lazne, Picture 15, Karlovarske kraj, Bohemia (CZ), 2011

This is the Hotel Bohemia, one of many hotels that I photographed, but one of only a few I decided to post online.
20 items in total