Rio-Antirro Bridge (a.k.a. Charilaos Trikoupis Bridge), Picture 4, Rio, Peloponnese, Greece, 2010


Following in the yearly tradition, here's an album of all my photos from 2010, both proper film photos and er...cameraphone crap.

Fall Colors, Cercany, Bohemia (CZ), 2010

08 Dec 2010 1 329
This is my favorite shot of the bunch, especially since it's one of the few shots that seemed to escape the scanner trouble that I've been having. This was taken in Cercany. I mainly like the vivid colors in this one, which may be down to the fact that I was shooting Ektar through an uncoated Zeiss lens.

Fall Colors, Picture 2, Cercany, Bohemia (CZ), 201…

15 Oct 2010 181
The day that I took Fall foliage photos with my Ikoflex, I also had my cameraphone with me. This was one of my best shots, I think, although I've still post-processed it for iPernity.

Hall in Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Prague, CZ, 2010

15 Oct 2010 316
I got back from my Cercany trip early enough to get the sunlight through the windows of Hlavni Nadrazi, and in addition I had to walk through this front hall (on the Wilsonova side of the station), which I rarely use, in order to get to the metro. This is one of the few parts of the station that hasn't been restored yet, although the paint looks to be in pretty good condition.

Clock in Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Prague, CZ, 2010

15 Oct 2010 306
This is probably the most famous clock in Hlavni Nadrazi, over the main Wilsonova entrance by Fantova Kavarna.

Fantova Kavarna, Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Prague, CZ,…

15 Oct 2010 435
I've never shot a photo from this angle before, from the hallway shown earlier, facing into Fantova Kavarna. Fantova Kavarna is the most noticably unrestored part of the station, although with all the statues and paintwork this may be due to the difficulty that will be involved once they get around to it.

CD #682004-7 in Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Prague, CZ,…

15 Oct 2010 330
After walking through Fantova Kavarna, I got lost in the construction, and ended up on Nastupiste (Platform) 1, where this Pendolino was sitting. Given that I don't get a shot of these every day, I took the picture even though my Ikoflex was empty and so I only had the cameraphone (as was the case with the earlier Hlavni Nadrazi shots in this series).

Blurred Metro Train in Staromestska, Prague, CZ, 2…

10 Oct 2010 348
In going through my old cameraphone shots to find ones that might be suitable for iPernity, I found this one of a DPP 81-71M Class Metro train blurring into Staromestska station on Linka A. I actually have a few shots similar to this one, so I wasn't sure whether to post it, especially since it's a cameraphone shot, but I decided to post it to iPernity, anyway.

Building in Prazskeho Povstani, Prague, CZ, 2010

11 Oct 2010 441
I don't know the history of this building, other than that it's blatantly, obviously, Communist era. It's built directly over the Prazskeho Povstani Metro station.

ex-CSD #498.022 Albatros at Beroun, Bohemia (CZ),…

16 Oct 2010 285
This was taken on the October 16th, 2010 ex-CSD #498.022 excursion during a layover at Beroun, during which the locomotive was turned. Here it's already coupled tender forward ready to head to Rakovnik, where it will be turned again. I took all still photos on the 16th with my cameraphone, as the batteries in my Nikon died at Beroun (actually, they had probably been dead for weeks). I did some proper photography the next day, which I hope to eventually include in an NRHS show. The video that I shot on the 16th, however, will be yet another NRHS show.

ex-CSD #498.022 Beyond Rakovnik, Bohemia (CZ), 201…

16 Oct 2010 248
Here's a shot taken after departure from Rakovnik, in single track territory (which actually began soon after leaving Beroun), with the locomotive running boiler forward again.

ex-CSD #498.022 Blurred near Rakovnik, Bohemia (CZ…

16 Oct 2010 1 1 352
This was a lucky blurred shot that I got in a rock cut.

ex-CSD #498.022 Albatros at Luzna u Rakovnika, Boh…

16 Oct 2010 193
This was taken after arrival in Luzna, where the Albatros was serviced (mostly watered), before being turned for the return to Prague. Here it's still sitting as it arrived.

Nadrazi Luzna u Rakovnika, Luzna u Rakovnika, Bohe…

16 Oct 2010 230
This is the station at Luzna. Until recently, it had a staffed ticket office, but now it has a skeleton crew. This cutback wasn't welcomed by the locals, of course, and a satirical obituary was left on the window of the office.

Waterspout at Luzna u Rakovnika, Bohemia (CZ), 201…

16 Oct 2010 306
There are actually not one, but three operational water spouts at Luzna, or at least three water spouts that appear to be wet. This is one of two in the yard (plus one in the railway museum), and this one is in better condition than the other.

ex-CSD #498.022 Albatros at Luzna u Rakovnika, Pic…

16 Oct 2010 401
Here the Albatros is seen switching its train into the sidings before uncoupling and running into the museum for servicing.

ex-CSD #498.022 Albatros at Luzna u Rakovnika, Pic…

16 Oct 2010 319
This was the scene as the Albatros's cylinder cocks were blown for the run into the museum. Even on a very short move, this is an important procedure on a steam locomotive, as even a little bit of water in the cylinders can blow them up, which is dangerous and extremely expensive, especially for a non-profit organisation.

Fall Colors in Luzna u Rakovnika, Bohemia (CZ), 20…

16 Oct 2010 209
By chance, I noticed that the Fall colors were starting to show in Luzna, so this is one of several shots I took, although again inhibited by the cameraphone.

Luzna u Rakovnika Signalbox, Luzna u Rakovnika, Bo…

16 Oct 2010 346
I'm not aware of how active this interlocking tower still is, or if it's even an interlocking anymore, but it is still staffed.

385 items in total