Church of St. Leonard at Dordon

Warwickshire Walks, Polesworth

Folder: Warwickshire Walks
A 7m circular walk in November 2006 from Basset's Bridge at Polesworth, along the Coventry Canal to Grendon Bridge, to the Church of All Saints, back to the Canal and on to Bradley Green Bridge, Badersley Endsor and the Church of St Nicholas, then to the Church of St Leonard at Dordon.

Weather cloudy with blustery cool wind.

21 May 2021

39 visits

A 7m circular walk in November 2006 from Basset's Bridge

A 7m circular walk in November 2006 from Basset's Bridge at Polesworth, along the Coventry Canal to Grendon Bridge, to the Church of All Saints, back to the Canal and on to Bradley Green Bridge, Badersley Endsor and the Church of St Nicholas, then to the Church of St Leonard at Dordon. Weather cloudy with blustery cool wind.

30 Nov 2006

122 visits

Looking west along the Coventry Canal near Polesworth

30 Nov 2006

98 visits

The Obelisk errected by Sir George Chetwynd at Hoo Hill, seen from the Coventry Canal

The Obelisk was erected in 1846 at the time of finding the remains of Chapel of St. Leonard, which had been demolished in 1538 (On the order of Henry VIII). The obelisk was commissioned by Sir George Chetwynd to commemorate the site of the Chapel of St Leonard of Hoo which had been demolished in 1538. The graveyard for the Chapel was rediscovered during the construction of the Trent Valley Railway Line. Originally erected on the opposite side of the Grendon Road, the obelisk was re-sited in 1901 when the railway line was widened. The Chapel of St. Leonard was dedicated and endowed with land by a Roger de Grendon in the first half of the twelfth century. A later Roger de Grendon gave the chapel to the Nuns of Polesworth Abbey. It was demolished in 1538 during the dissolution of the monasteries under King Henry VIII religious reforms.

30 Nov 2006

120 visits

Looking west along the Coventry Canal near Polesworth

30 Nov 2006

107 visits

The River Anker passing close to the Coventry Canal

30 Nov 2006

125 visits

Coventry Canal approaching Grendon Bridge

30 Nov 2006

122 visits

Church of All Saints at Grendon seen from Grendon Park

30 Nov 2006

127 visits

Church of All Saints at Grendon seen over the disused bridge (Grade II* Listed Building)

30 Nov 2006

104 visits

Track southward passing Spring Farm Fishing Pools

20 items in total