Looking North along the Stourbridge Canal from Newtown Bridge

Stourbridge Canal

Folder: English Canals

02 Mar 2006

164 visits

Looking North along the Stourbridge Canal from Newtown Bridge

02 Mar 2006

123 visits

Stourbridge Canal, Newtown Bridge

02 Mar 2006

126 visits

Stourton, Stourbridge Canal

02 Mar 2006

128 visits

Stourton, Stourbridge Canal

02 Mar 2006

123 visits

Approach to Four Locks Bridge on the Stourbridge Canal

02 Mar 2006

114 visits

The iron Split Bridge carrying the towpath on the Stourbridge Canal. (Grade II Listed)

02 Mar 2006

122 visits

The Stourbridge Canal drops down via Locks 19 and 20 to meet the Staffs and Worcs at Stourton Junction

02 Mar 2006

125 visits

The Stourbridge Canal drops down via Locks 19 and 20 to meet the Staffs and Worcs at Stourton Junction