Seen better days, near Park Hollow

Seen Better Days

28 Nov 2010

81 visits

Near the disused Cell Fechan manganese mine (Scan from 1993)

09 Nov 2006

95 visits

Near Castle Hill Farm and seen better days

23 Apr 2010

96 visits

Ruins of an old building at the North end of Woody Park

28 Mar 2011

74 visits

Old machinery near Oaken Park Farm

28 Mar 2011

79 visits

Any old iron, near Oaken Park Farm

09 Nov 2018

108 visits

Birmingham and Fazeley Canal (Scan from the 1980s)

Looking towards Birmingham city centre from near Rocky Lane Bridge. In 2020 the sub-Station still exists but the building long gone.

06 Jan 2005

99 visits

Near Young's Farm, seen better days

20 Apr 2011

95 visits

Remains of White Houses near the entrance to Woody Park

20 Apr 2011

90 visits

Remains of White Houses near the entrance to Woody Park

31 items in total