Cricket pavilion at Yoxall

Staffordshire Walks, Yoxall (2)

Folder: Staffordshire Walks
A 6m circular walk in November 2007 from near the Post Office Yoxall via Hadley Cottage Farm, Maker Lane, Far Hoar Cross, Coppice Bank Woods, Foxholes Covert, Stoneyford, Longcroft Farm, across to meet the river Swarbourn and back to Yoxall. (Weather warm with breeze 16C).

01 Nov 2007

129 visits

Cricket pavilion at Yoxall

(1036 views on Panoramio)

01 Nov 2007

158 visits

The footpath northward in the fields above Weaverslake, near Yoxall

01 Nov 2007

121 visits

Yoxall (2) 003

01 Nov 2007

114 visits

Yoxall (2) 004

01 Nov 2007

164 visits

Near Hadley End

01 Nov 2007

169 visits

Near Hadley End

01 Nov 2007

158 visits

Looking north approaching Maker Lane after passing Hadley Cottage Farm

01 Nov 2007

140 visits

Gliding Club below Nicholl's Covert

01 Nov 2007

132 visits

Autumn colours of Nicholl's Covert from Maker Lane

16 items in total