Slippery footbridge near Sitch Covert


17 Apr 2008

154 visits

Slippery footbridge near Sitch Covert

A particularly rickety footbridge, with a shaky handrail!

19 Jun 2008

129 visits

Unsteady footbridge in Barrow Dingle near Barrow

15 May 2008

134 visits

Footbridge over the River Worfe in the Davenport Estate

13 Jul 2006

145 visits

Dovedale, Ilam Rock

2775 views on Panoramio

09 Dec 2004

139 visits

The Worcester and Birmingham Canal meets the River Severn

A beautiful December day in 2004 gets much cooler as the sun sets.

16 Jul 2017

96 visits

River Swale near Keld (Scan from August 1993)

19 Apr 2010

1 comment

95 visits

Footbridge through tall grasses, near Bag Pool

19 Apr 2010

81 visits

Footbridge near White’s Wood

21 Apr 2010

84 visits

Footbridge over Penn Brook, near Sewage Works

13 items in total