Woodland near The Hermitage.

English Woodland

Woodland near The Hermitage.

The Knolls near Rindleford

05 Jun 2008 126
(1169 views in Panoramio)

Path down towards Winscote Cottages near Newton

15 May 2008 134
Not more than a few seconds after joining this path we heard one of our friends that regularly escorted us along such places, the Robin. After stopping to locate his whereabouts, which is normally only a couple of yards away, we proceeded. He kept moving on about every 20 yards until we were safely off his territory! (1776 views in Panoramio)

Bluebells on the ridge path above the River Worfe…

Bluebells in New Park Wood in early June 2008

Bluebells in New Park Wood in early June 2008

Bluebells in New Park Wood in early June 2008

Bluebells in New Park Wood in early June 2008

08 May 2008 150
Near the footpath we found a large fallen tree trunk that made a good seat for lunch.

Bluebells in Roger's Coppice June 2008

Bluebells in New Park Wood in early June 2008

Last rays of winter sun at Kingsbury Water Park

Woodland south of Seedgreen Park Pools

Small pond at the entrance to Woodland south of Se…

Dick Brook at New Bridge

River Wye below Litton Mill in Miller's Dale

11 May 2006 124
(2606 views on Panoramio)

Seckley Wood

In Seckley Wood, but which way to go?

02 Nov 2006 1 1 126
(2059 views in Panoramio)

Postenplain Woods in the Wyre Forest

120 items in total