Countryside near Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

Welsh Borders, Montgomery Castle

Folder: Welsh Border Walks
A 3.5 mile circular walk in October 1992 from Montgomery Castle.

25 Jul 2020

64 visits

Countryside near Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

56 visits

Countryside near Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

52 visits

Countryside near Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

55 visits

Countryside near Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

53 visits

Countryside near Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

63 visits

Looking North towards Welshpool from the remains of Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

55 visits

Remains of Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

56 visits

Remains of Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)

25 Jul 2020

52 visits

Looking towards Cordon Hill and the Stiperstones from the remains of Montgomery Castle (Scan from 1992)