Entrance to Himley Estate

Staffordshire Walks, Himley Hall (4)

Folder: Staffordshire Walks
A 4m circular walk in November 2011 from Himley Hall via The Hill, the Ice House, Great Pool, another Ice House near the A449, Holbeche Lane, and returning along the bridleway near Home Farm.

23 Mar 2018

104 visits

A 4m circular walk in November 2011 from Himley Hall

A 4m circular walk in November 2011 from Himley Hall via The Hill, the Ice House, Great Pool, another Ice House near the A449, Holbeche Lane, and returning along the bridleway near Home Farm.

13 Oct 2011

111 visits

Pathway over ornate bridge on The Hill at Himley Estate

The gardens at Himley Hall in Staffordshire were extended by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown for James Ward, Viscount Dudley and Ward in the 1770s.

13 Oct 2011

135 visits

Ornate bridge in the Himley Hall Estate

The gardens at Himley Hall in Staffordshire were extended by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown for James Ward, Viscount Dudley and Ward in the 1770s.

13 Oct 2011

102 visits

Woodland in the Himley Estate

13 Oct 2011

118 visits

Pathway in The Hill woodland of Himley Estate

13 Oct 2011

129 visits

Remnants of an old gate in The Hill, Himley Estate woodland

13 Oct 2011

102 visits

Looking from The Hill to the clump of trees around the Ice House

13 Oct 2011

91 visits

Looking from The Hill towards Baggeridge

13 Oct 2011

114 visits

Ice House Grade II Listed structure at Himley Estate, Early C19

Ice House Grade II listing description... www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/101232601-ice-house-250-metres-north-of-himley-hall-himley#.WrOJkVrLehA
18 items in total