We're Number One ...

Tidewater Maryland

Folder: Maryland

Relic Breakwater at Low Tide

18 Jun 2016 9 5 452
... tidal Patuxent River, western shore of Chesapeake Bay ...

Patuxent Piers (view on black)

18 Jun 2016 13 3 398
"Click to enlarge" or "z key" ... (view widescreen) ...

Broomes Island Pilings - Calvert County MD

18 Jun 2016 8 1 306
... at the very northern tip of Skinners Point on historic Broomes Island in the tidal Patuxent River ...

Wild Assateague Pony

27 Apr 2017 3 3 227
A bloodline of hardy wild ponies, reputedly the descendants of survivors from shipwrecked Spanish galleons in the 1600's. There are herds on the barrier islands of Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. These are totally wild animals, fearlessly disregarding human presence, unless approached closely or feeling threatened, then they will kick and bite. They have no predators, although careless tourist vehicles kill one or two annually. Authorities in Maryland use birth control darts to keep the herd there at about 100 - 110 animals.

Sinepuxent Snag

27 Oct 2016 28 15 552
... along the Assateague Island shoreline ... U.S. National Seashore Park, Maryland

I See That You Are Too Close To My Nest !

01 May 2018 7 8 280
Osprey over shoreline of Sinepuxent Bay, at Assateague Barrier Island on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

It's Not What You Think !!

27 Apr 2017 15 15 290
HFF !! ... Wild ponies on Assateague Island, Maryland ... two mares, one trying to show dominance in the herd. If the herd "pecking order" were in jeopardy, these two mares would fight, until the herd stallion would crash in to break it up. Also, the "ears" tell a story -- the pony on the left has ears back: aggressive, assertive, ready to fight/bite. The pony on the right has ears up, far more intent on something down the beach. Archive Airings Group -- AA282 Not My Animals.

Jet-Ski ... Turn Left ...

18 Jun 2016 12 4 392
... on historic St Leonard's Creek ...

NO ---> Nudity

01 May 2018 4 5 189
If I could find a model willing to flout the authorities, I would hike back to this site for another try.

Atop the Assateague Dunes

... oh, maybe it's just late: I can't come up with…

01 May 2018 3 2 206
... outside a crab house (rustic restaurant) on the road to Assateague National Seashore Park ... "Crab House" -- Blue Crabs, steamed with Old Bay seasoning, dumped on trestle tables covered with butcher paper; just go at them with little wooden mallets (for the claw-meat) ... plenty of beer ("Natty Bo" AKA National Bohemian) and paper towels ... www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/blue-crabs-steamed-maryland-style-10708

Wild Assateague Pony, in a passageway over the san…

27 Apr 2017 25 19 384
Miles of linear lath-fence protect the fragile dunes from clumsy beachgoers and act as a windbreak to catch blowing sand. Access to the beach is restricted to designated passageways, solidly fenced such as this one, which even the wild horses use. These hardy feral ponies are reputedly the descendants of survivors from shipwrecked Spanish galleons in the 1600's. There are herds on the barrier islands of Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. These are totally wild animals, fearlessly disregarding human presence, unless approached closely or feeling threatened, then they will kick and bite. They have no predators, although careless tourist vehicles kill one or two annually. Authorities in Maryland use birth control darts to keep the herd there at about 100 - 110 animals.

Heads and Hooves

27 Apr 2017 12 6 299
... a cropped shot of feral horses cropping a new crop of Spring grass ... (today's English vocabulary word is: ____ ?)

It's OK; they are not pets ...

27 Apr 2017 10 3 317
... Barrier Island Wild Horses ...

Windblown Arcs in the Sand

01 May 2018 6 2 246
... with a dead weed as a compass ...

Ghostly Fence Atop the Sand

Oh Lawd, Bless America

09 Jun 2019 6 7 326
Happy Fourth of July from Broomes Island, Maryland ...

Hurricane Blew the Old Shed Away

22 Oct 2018 12 6 129
In late-October 2012 Hurricane Sandy (officially "Superstorm Sandy"; but once a hurricane, then always a hurricane) ravaged the lower Delmarva Peninsula as it battered New Jersey and New York much further north. Wind, high tide and storm-surge seemed to hit the west-facing Crisfield locale harder than usual. Lower income and rural areas have barely rebounded. But some high-end housing has been constructed, right on the water, perhaps based on income from successful professionals moving in from Baltimore and Washington DC.

40 items in total