Paulo Moreira's favorite photos

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Echium plantagineum, Pereiro

Penedos, Calima day

Genista hirsuta ssp. algarbiensis, Penedos, Calima…


Pamir afternoon…HFF

Happy hidden bench - HBM

Cistus ladanifer, Penedos

Penedos, Bench boulder or boulder bench but my ben…

Rumex bucephalophorus, Caryophyllales, Penedos und…

Rumex bucephalophorus, Penedos

Peiki, The well, The wall. R.I.P.

My contribution to World Photography Day 2023

Gorgeous Sky...

Vale de Açor de Cima, Igreja, HWW

Penedos, Dead tree in the new morning

Iceland, Djúpivogur, Eggin í Gleðivík Sculpture

Iceland, Húsavíkurkirkja

Iceland, Dettifoss Waterfall

2402 items in total