Elaine's photos

Three tired looking telephone boxes

20 May 2020 3 4 55
These boxes have certainly seen better days. Royal Mile, Edinburgh

Dying light

30 May 2020 3 42
Dying light over the harbour mouth. The end of a beautiful day.

Watching the sun go down

30 May 2020 1 2 36
We can now travel 5 miles from home as lockdown eases a little. What better place to be than watch the sun go down over the sea

Edinburgh in Lockdown


25 May 2020 2 1 42
Just for fun, the Dunnock looks as though it has stepped out the PC to stand on the desk. Wouldn't make a habit of this but it took my fancy!

Every day is a school day

24 May 2020 3 59
Got to get to grips with the editing. Got myself a nice wee book to keep me right and as the say "every day is a school day" Lightroom, Photoshop, Picasa etc ….Phew!

Dunnock on branch

15 Mar 2020 1 2 46
These little birds are often overlooked as they are shy and not very brightly coloured. However this one just sat and posed.

Dinner is served

18 May 2020 2 3 50
Nest boxes deep in our local country park. Not the easiest to photograph as lens not got quite enough reach but nice nonetheless

Dandelion in the rain

17 May 2020 2 2 53
Packed up and set off for home as the rain came on. Five minutes later, glorious sunshine! Typical Scottish weather....

Weir at Ironmills

Dalkeith Palace

04 May 2020 3 7 62
This is Dalkeith Palace on the Buccleuch Estate. It is now used by the University of Wisconsin. The parkland is extensive and beautiful anytime of the year to enjoy.

Rusty bike - one previous careless owner

Blue tit on branch

Female Goosander

09 Nov 2019 50
Seen at Musselburgh Estuary

Sunburst through leaves

01 May 2020 3 4 65
As restrictions are in place in view of Covid-19, I have taken my camera with me on my allowed walk for exercise. All the recent photos have been within walking distance from home. What a beautiful country we have.

Busy Blackbird

01 May 2020 1 5 77
As restrictions are in place in view of Covid-19, I have taken my camera with me on my allowed walk for exercise. All the recent photos have been within walking distance from home. Came across this female Blackbird nest gathering. Not sure which one of us was the more surprised

100 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.