Happy Fence Friday, ipernity survivors and perseverers!!


Happy Fence Friday, ipernity survivors and perseve…

08 Jul 2012 60 100 1353
Pasiflora. My Mum's garden again! Despite some sour and peevish comments many of us received from an unexpected source (unexpected to me anyway!), let's make this terrific site flourish!! 'Surely it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness!'

HFF once again!!!

28 Aug 2014 36 58 582
My Mum's garden again. It's a very good source of fences when I don't come across all that many fences in my day to day life here in Madrid! I do hope you don't mind!

HFF, everybody!

28 Jul 2015 37 61 798
Yes, my mother's garden again!

Rose garden, Retiro, Madrid

09 Jun 2016 44 78 954
Rosa Daniel Gelin. I discovered, some time after posting this, that Daniel Gelin was a well-known French actor who died in the early 90s.


12 Aug 2012 31 43 824
My Mother's garden has fences. A good source for HFF photos! Photo taken in August 2012, the exif is wrong!

Cornish Garden.

02 Sep 2011 65 90 1452
My Mother's garden, St Day, Cornwall. Taken 2011, First posted on ipernity 2017.

Fuchsia, St Day Garden, Cornwall

12 Aug 2014 36 42 796
August 2014. My mother's garden.

HFF!!! Rhodochiton in my mother's garden

18 Jul 2012 78 113 1970
Garden in St Day, Cornwall


21 Jun 2013 18 23 561
This tree is on La Finca, the estate where Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale and a few other wealthy bods live (I taught English to an actress on the estate for a while). June 2013.

Happy Fence Friday!

18 Jul 2012 74 85 1365
Rhodochriton (sometimes called Purple Bell Vine). A climber originally from Southern Mexico and Guatamala. It is very happy in Cornwall! Garden in Saint Day, Cornwall

A particularly Happy Fence Friday this week! Also…

02 Aug 2015 51 62 777
Garden, Saint Day. I make no excuses for posting another photo from my mother's garden. In any case, I haven't posted as many as some people seem to think and none for a few months!!


13 Aug 2017 56 73 1123
Rodochiton in my Mum's garden, Saint Day, Cornwall. Originally poted in August 2017.

Saint Day garden

09 Aug 2017 11 21 403
Saint Day, Cornwall. If this is seen, I might experience many months of grief!

Saint Day garden

11 Aug 2014 19 22 397
Yes, my Mum's garden again, from a different angle this time!

Rose Daniel Gelin

03 Jun 2012 21 18 487
In Madrid's Parque del Buen Retiro, La Roselada.

Rose in Madrid's Jardin del Principe de Anglona

11 May 2012 20 23 569
A small but beautiful public garden in the middle of the old centre of Madrid.

Bullace (one of many varieties of wild plum) in a…

15 Jul 2012 24 34 561
This is an absolutely delicious wild plum. I found that Bullaces can come in red, green, purple and yellow. They are a bit smaller than most cultivated plums but larger than damsons and sloes. Mid July and perfectly ripe. My brother's garden in Bromley. The one nearest the camera was eaten with much relish by yours truly immediately after taking this shot!

Rose-of-Sharon and mini-wasp passing through.

30 Jul 2013 17 24 598
Parque Juan-Carlos I, Madrid. If truth be told, I saw the wasp only when editing! (and it could be a mini-bee! I don't know what it is!)

244 items in total