Andy Rodker's photos


05 Apr 2012 29 41 769
Not sure what went on here. I took some night shots. All seemingly normal. On looking at this a few days later it seemed rather eerie, if not spooky! I don't know what the vague impression of a double image is exactly or even if it's here at all. But there is enough of a suggestion of ... something ... to give me goose bumps ! Taken in Hortaleza, Madrid.

Bluebells. El Cancho Largo

01 May 2012 13 17 606
Bluebells in the Sierra de La Cabrera

Granite and oak (and Mushroom Rock)

08 Jun 2012 18 20 667
Encinas (holm oaks) are endemic in central Spain and are are much revered. Here they help to break up the harshness of the granite on the ridge of La Sierra de La Cabrera! Mushroom rock in the background.

Porthcadjack, high tide.

31 Jul 2015 55 58 1123
These are Samphire and Asparagus Islands. I have never been sure which is which. I asked a local fisherman who had lived in Portreath all his life and he had no idea what I was talking about. He didn't know they had names! The unsentimentality of practical local people! Mid distance, Crane Islands and North Cliffs, Far distance, Godrevy lighthouse and Reskajeage. I used to enjoy walking between Portreath (a mile behind me) and Godrevy. 5 hours including a walk into Hayle to get the bus back, or 7 hours if I did half the walk at low tide, rock-hopping along the shoreline!

Ayllon, Segovia Province.

14 Sep 2013 20 20 706
I liked the idea of the allotment by the side of this fine old church! (Parroquia de Santa Maria la Mayor). Sadly, the storks had flown back to Africa a couple of weeks previously!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

03 Jun 2013 21 23 749
Rose Daniel Gelin, rose garden - El Retiro, Madrid

Sierra de La Cabrera (one of the many rock climbin…

13 May 2012 36 40 1028
One of the ascent / descent routes to or from the ridge of La Sierra de La Cabrera. I took the shot from the path (steep, admittedly but neither exposed nor dangerous!), not the cliff face. However, I don't expect micritter to believe me! :o)

Lotus and ducklings, El Retiro, Madrid

11 Jun 2013 23 23 815
How many ducklings can you see? The answer is of course three. However, when I was about to take the shot I had 4 in the frame! I presume that one is completely hidden under or behind a lotus petal! It obviously had the same view of photos taken of it as my girlfriend!

HFF, everyone!

06 Aug 2017 24 32 845
St Michael's Mount from Marazion, high tide.

Sea carrot on a misty day.

01 Aug 2012 43 43 979
The day started out foggy and ended up in brilliant sunshine. This was early on but there were signs of the fog lifting. Sea carrot is in the same family (the parsley family) as carrots but I have no idea if any part of it is edible.

El Cancho Largo

03 Mar 2012 15 16 644
Under the summit of El Cancho Largo, the highest point in La Sierra de La Cabrera, there are some strangely coloured rocks.

El Retiro rose garden. Rose Daniel Gelin

29 May 2013 11 11 568
Another Daniel Gelin rose from Madrid's El Retiro Park rose garden.

Sierra de La Cabrera.

02 May 2014 45 43 947
Taken with my ill-fated Samsung phone a few years ago. I only posted 5 photos with it on Pano. The phone burst into flames while charging, Samsung said 'water damage - no compensation' I completely refute this and I will never buy another Samsung!. I was quite pleased with this shot however!

Cornwall, a long coastal view.

02 Aug 2011 16 16 641
Southwest Peninsula Coastpath, Porthtowan, Cornwall

Rose Daniel Gelin,

29 May 2014 17 19 697
Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid, rose garden. I have since discovered who Daniel Gelin was (thank you Marie-claire!)

La Sierra de La Cabrera

02 May 2015 54 44 925
Granite outcrops on the ridge, overlooking the eponymous town. No vultures on this day - I had intended to get some shots. Oh well! And yes. I took the few steps to the end you see here. But I had put my camera back in my pocket and felt that I needed both hands for stability and so that is where my camera remained! Anyway, this vantage-point is better!

Trevaunance Cove from the St Agnes path

23 Jul 2011 20 15 556
The port for St Agnes, Trevaunance Cove has had a number of attempts at building and maintaining a harbour for ships loading tin and unloading coal for the local tin mine engine houses. Unfortunately, great storms destroyed every one!

Plaza de Colon, Madrid

16 May 2013 61 63 787
Statue of Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colon in Spanish - it took me a long time to work that one out!). Behind is the National Library. Best enlarged.

3607 items in total