Mirror Image

Talent, Oregon

The town where I live. Halfway between the Sisikiyous and the Cascades, halfway between Ashland and Medford. A place whose residents describe themseles as Talentonians....or Talentulars.

Mirror Image

13 Jun 2017 1 2 907
“For I do not exist: there exist but the thousands of mirrors that reflect me. With every acquaintance I make, the population of phantoms resembling me increases. Somewhere they live, somewhere they multiply. I alone do not exist.” ― Vladimir Nabokov

Bengard Broccoli

16 Jun 2017 1 936
“Don't be a salad, be the best damn broccoli you could ever be.” ― PewDiePie Vegetable garbage pile behind a supermarket in Talent, Oregon.

la vie commence / life starts / la vida empieza

17 Jun 2017 2 4 763
La vie commence à cinquante ans, c'est vrai; à ceci près qu'elle se termine à quarante. ― Michel Houellebecq Life begins at fifty, that’s true, inasmuch as it ends at forty. La vida empieza a los cincuenta años, es cierto; con la salvedad de que termina a los cuarenta. Late night ruminations after a long writing session.

Kids' Bathroom

18 Jun 2017 587
“Kids. You gotta love them. I adore children. A little salt, a squeeze of lemon--perfect.” ― Jim Butcher Tiny cutout photos of siblings Opal & Ira decorate this kids' bathroom.

Tante Hélène's Typewriter

20 Jun 2017 4 776
“take a writer away from his typewriter and all you have left is the sickness which started him typing in the beginning” ― Charles Bukowski The typewriter my Aunt Helen - who preferred to be called Tante Hélène - wrote all her manuscripts, novels and books on. She is gone now but her words live on.

Pee-Wee Herman doll

27 Jun 2017 3 947
"This was a particularly eerie doll." ― Augusten Burroughs A large Pee-Wee Herman doll, given to me years ago, sitting in Chairy atop a bookcase in my writing office...and always smiling at me.

Free Toilet

26 Jun 2017 5 9 1468
“I wanted nothing for free. Nothing came for free at our place anyway.” ― Markus Zusak Free toilet, being given away, out in front of a suburban house in a small town in southern Oregon. Taken with the Lumix GX8 and the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 lens.


01 Jul 2017 1 2 830
“Be careful, or be roadkill!” ― Bill Watterson (Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection) Dead squirrel / roadkill - on a heavily-trafficked rural street in Talent, Oregon.

Electric Power Meter

06 Jul 2017 3 983
“There are things done today in electrical science which would have been deemed unholy by the very man who discovered electricity, who would themselves not so long before been burned as wizards.” ― Bram Stoker Electric power meter in downtown Talent, Oregon.

Discarded Couch + Poster

09 Jul 2017 4 6 1010
“Just because people throw it out and don't have any use for it, doesn't mean it's garbage.” ― Andy Warhol Discarded couch and an old theater poster advertising Hamlet, in a rural property in Southern Oregon.

Supermarket Frog

17 Jul 2017 3 4 1123
“If frogs had side pockets, they'd carry hand guns.” ― Dan Rather Plastic toy frog for sale in the local supermarket in Talent, Oregon.

Mirror image

28 Jul 2017 4 3 813
“Every man carries with him through life a mirror, as unique and impossible to get rid of as his shadow.” ― W.H. Auden The photographer reflected in a mirror which is reflecting the mirror image of himself in his camera's screen.

My friend Bob

21 Jul 2017 6 980
“When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun'.” ― Groucho Marx My friend Bob Thomas, hangin' at the local coffee shop in Talent, Oregon.

Park trash / Basura bosque / Poubelle nature

06 Aug 2017 6 6 1091
“Ours is a culture and a time immensely rich in trash as it is in treasures.” ― Ray Bradbury Trash can in the park adjacent to the bike path in Talent, Oregon.


31 Jul 2017 5 3 989
"We will have rings and things and fine array." (William Shakespeare) My friend D.H. showing me his rings.

Alien flora

13 Aug 2017 12 4 1201
“It illuminated a vision Dante could not have imagined in his wildest nightmares, nor Poe in the grasp of an uncontrollable delirium.” ― Alan Dean Foster Alien-looking seedpods in an Oregon garden, seen through a spherical lensball.

Eclipse Glasses / Gafas Eclipse / Lunette Éclipse

18 Aug 2017 6 5 890
My heart a hole the size of the sun's eclipse. I push through the dark circle's tattered edge of light. (Diane Glancy)

Frog head / Cabeza de rana / Tête de grenouille

08 Sep 2017 4 4 770
“If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett Sculpture in Talent, Oregon.

23 items in total