Laughing head / Cabeza riéndose

Ashland, Oregon

Home to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and my former home for a time. And, yes, in their wisdom, the City Council of Ashland passed a resolution making Ashland a "nuclear free zone".

Laughing head / Cabeza riéndose

08 May 2017 761
“If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.” ― George Bernard Shaw Laughing head sculpture in a Chinese restaurant in southern Oregon.

Good-luck cat / Gato buena suerte / Chat de bonne…

08 May 2017 2 2 848
“You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.” ― Cormac McCarthy Taken in a Chinese restaurant in Oregon, with my GX8 camera.

My friend Olaf

15 Jun 2017 5 6 1255
“I don't suppose you have many friends. Neither do I. I don't trust people who say they have a lot of friends. It's a sure sign that they don't really know anyone.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Stuffed Shark

15 Jun 2017 616
"Sharks are old: there were sharks in the ocean before the dinosaurs. And the reason there are still sharks around is that sharks are better at being sharks than anything else is.” ― Neil Gaiman A stuffed toy shark in the local organic community supermarket in Ashland, Oregon.

Discarded Couch + Poster

09 Jul 2017 4 6 1045
“Just because people throw it out and don't have any use for it, doesn't mean it's garbage.” ― Andy Warhol Discarded couch and an old theater poster advertising Hamlet, in a rural property in Southern Oregon.

Tattoo face in window

25 Jul 2017 1 597
“Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past.” ― Jack London Tattooed mannequin in a shopwindow in Ashland, Oregon.

Tattooed Mannequin

25 Jul 2017 1 860
“When I got the tattoo, I knew I was drawing a crooked line between myself and society.” ― Warren Ellis A tattooed mannequin in a shopwindow, in Ashland, Oregon.

Shop Window

25 Jul 2017 603
“Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window; Why, why, says the junk in the yard.” ― Paul McCartney Shop window in Ashland, Oregon.

Dumpster face / Cara de basura / Visage poubelle

25 Jul 2017 2 684
“The spirit gone, man is garbage.” ― Joseph Heller Graffiti-art face on a dumpster in an alleyway in Ashland, Oregon.


28 Jul 2017 6 2 1170
“I had a definite sense of somehow being a passenger in an evil vehicle crusing through Paradise.” ― Sam Shepard Chevrolet sedan parked on the street in a southern Oregon town that hasn't changed that much since the 1950's.

The car that time forgot

25 Jul 2017 2 732
“Guns are like cars: you can trust a good used one better than one that's brand new.” ― Haruki Murakami

Stuffed Dog

31 Jul 2017 4 2 818
“Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear.” ― Dave Barry Stuffed toy dog, in an emporium in Ashland, Oregon.

Abandoned shoes on the Bike Path

07 Aug 2017 7 10 1298
“I don't know about other people, but when I wake up in the morning and put my shoes on, I think, Jesus Christ, now what?” ― Charles Bukowski A pair of abandoned shoes / boots on the bike path, near Ashland, Oregon. I couldn't help wondering: does whoever left them here need shoes?

Small-town religion

07 Oct 2017 3 3 618
At the Harvest Festival Parade, in Talent, Oregon

We Want Beer

13 Feb 2018 3 3 569
“Work is the curse of the drinking classes.” ― Oscar Wilde Old photograph/Wall art inside a coffee house in Ashland, Oregon.

Buddha Hand

08 Mar 2018 1 4 818
“Oh-do be careful with that! That's my Buddha hand grenade. Twist the head twice and throw it and anyone within ten yards can say their prayers.” ― Anthony Horowitz Buddha/Hand for sale in a supermarket in Ashland, Oregon.