Santa Ana River


Folder: United States

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20 Jun 2022

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44 visits

Santa Ana River

The Santa Ana River runs behind the house I stayed at for a few days while in southern California. A friend invited me to use his mother's vacation home in the mountains east of Redlands and I worked, hiked, relaxed and enjoyed the scenery while there.

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21 Jun 2022

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Seven Oaks, California

In June, 2022, I was in southern Calironia for a couple of weeks and a friend invited me to stay in their vacation home in the mountains near Seven Oaks. I hiked the forest service roads, cought up on a lot of work, relaxed and enjoyed the scenery while there. This was the view from one of the forest service roads I hiked.

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11 Apr 2018

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56 visits

Borrego Palm Canyon

Photographed in Borrego Palm Canyon in Anza-borrego Desert State Park in southern Califormia on a 2018 trip there.

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11 Apr 2018

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85 visits

Borrego Palm Canyon

In 2018 we were in southern California, Arizona and New Mexico and visited, along with many other place, Anza-borrego Desert State Park in southern California. We spent a couple of days there before going east to the Salton Sea and its wildlife refuges. While in Anza-borrego, we hiked the Borrego Palms trail to an oasis and these photos were taken on that hike.

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11 Apr 2018

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Culp Valley Sunrise

Camped overnight in Culp Valley in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, we watched the sunrise in the morning before departing.

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11 Apr 2018

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85 visits

Culp Valley Sunrise

We camped in a primitive campground in Culp Valley while we were in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. We left early in the morning but watched the sunrise before departing. The cacti silhouetted against the sunrise are Teddy-bear Cholla.

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11 Apr 2018

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Tyrannosaurus Rex

In the desert around Borrego Springs, California, just outside Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, are over one hundred "sky art" sculptures by Ricardo Breceda. These include prehistoric creatures, animals and people from the area's past, and fanciful things. Most of them are quite large and some of them are huge. I've posted photos from Anza-Borrego because we are headed there next week. I have some business in southern California and we are planning to visit Anza-Borrego, the Salton Sea and Joshua Tree National Park, going on from there to Organ Pipe National Monument and Coconino National Forest in Arizona before heading home again.

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10 Apr 2018

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Borrego Springs Sculptures

The town of Borrego Springs, California, just outside Anaza-Borrego Desert State Park, is known for its "sky art" sculptures in the surrounding desert. These sculptures were created by Ricardo Breceda and there are over a hundred of them, of read desert creatures, prehistoric beasts and fanciful objects. This Sea Serpent's undulations begin on one side of the road and continue on the other, the road just visible in the photo.

10 Apr 2018

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98 visits

Palo Verde

Photographed in the garden at the visitors' center fof Anza-Berrego. This is a Palo Verde tree.
22 items in total