EF7A5002-CR2 DxO DeepPRIME

Copeland Islands Northern Ireland July 2023 part3

02 Jul 2023

2 visits

EF7A5100 Gull

Gull, ,Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

5 visits

EF7A5103 Gull Chick

Gull chick not sure of species, ,Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

3 visits

EF7A5111 Eider Duck

Eider duck, Somateria mollissima,Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

3 visits

EF7A5112 Eider Duck

Eider duck, Somateria mollissima, Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

6 visits

EF7A5130 Arctic Tern and chick

Arctic tern, Sterna paradisaea and chick,Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

3 visits

EF7A5138 Oyster Catcher

Eurasian Oystercatcher, Haematopus Ostralegus chick,Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

4 visits

EF7A5148 Black Gulliemot

Black guillemot, Cepphus grylle, lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

3 visits

EF7A5147 Rabbit

Rabbit possiblly killed by a gull, Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111

02 Jul 2023

4 visits

EF7A5191 Grey Seal

Grey Seal, Halichoerus grypus,,Lighthouse Island, Copeland Islands County Down NW 72920 39111
22 items in total