IMG 0003 Moth

Bromley Macro Aug 2023

11 Aug 2023

3 visits

IMG 9998 Moth

Moth from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716. Gymnoscelis rufifasciata

06 Aug 2023

3 visits

IMG 9935 7 spot ladybird

7 spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata, from the allotment The real size is 7.11 mm, magnification is 1.68

11 Aug 2023

3 visits

IMG 9943 Moth

Moth from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716 The real size is 9.97 mm, magnification is 1.4

11 Aug 2023

3 visits

IMG 9938 Light brown Apple Tree Moth

Light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana from the moth trap. The real size is 9.59 mm, magnification is 1.4 This was orginally from Australia but is now in the UK, Hawai and California.

11 Aug 2023

1 favorite

8 visits

IMG 9948 Bug

Bug from the moth trap, The real size is 4.89 mm, magnification is 2.8

11 Aug 2023

6 visits

IMG 9958 Beetle

Beetle from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716 The real size is 5.95 mm, magnification is 1.4

11 Aug 2023

3 visits

IMG 9971 Leafhopper

Leafhopper from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716 The real size is 3.45 mm, magnification is 3.08

11 Aug 2023

4 visits

IMG 9966 Leafhopper

Leafhopper from the moth trap, TQ 40100 68716. The real size is 5.16 mm, magnification is 1.96

11 Aug 2023

3 visits

IMG 9973 Mothv2

Moth The real size is 6.16 mm, magnification is 2.52
21 items in total