IMG 9655 Beetle

Bromley Macro May to June 2023

IMG 9655 Beetle

17 Jun 2023 6
Beetle on green bin, The real size is 3.1 mm, magnification is 2.8 Grid ref TQ 40100 68716

IMG 9647 Bee

17 Jun 2023 8
Bee from the allotment on the side of a shed, TQ 40104 68783 The real size is 4.75 mm, magnification is 1.68

IMG 9648 Bee

17 Jun 2023 8
Bee from the allotment on the side of a shed, TQ 40104 68783 The real size is 4.75 mm, magnification is 1.68

EF7A3561 Millipede

17 May 2023 7
Millipede from the allotment TQ 40104 68783

EF7A3559 Carder Bee Queen

17 May 2023 6
I think common carder queen, Bombus pascuorum on apple blossum. On the allotment TQ 40104 68783

EF7A3573 Apple Tree Moth Stack

20 May 2023 4
light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana) - Australia's most common export? From the moth trap

EF7A3578 Common Malachite Beete

27 May 2023 8
Common Malachite Beetle - Malachius bipustulatus on a buttercup Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3579 Common Malachite Beetle

27 May 2023 6
Common Malachite Beetle - Malachius bipustulatus on a buttercup. Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3591 Comma Butterfly

27 May 2023 4
Comma Polygonia c-album, Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3596 Batman Hoverfly

27 May 2023 9
Male Batman hoverfly Myathropa florea. Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

EF7A3586 Common Blue Damselfly

27 May 2023 8
Azure damselfly, Coenagrion puella Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

IMG 9839 Click Beetle

27 May 2023 5
A click bettle of some type. Jubilee County Park approx grid ref TQ 43545 68226

IMG 9908 Pseudoscorpion

29 May 2023 4
Pseudoscorpion, from the allotment TQ 40104 68783 The real size is 1.57 mm, magnification is 4.19

IMG 9921 Ant

03 Jun 2023 4
Myrmica species from the allotment at 2.52 Magnification

IMG 9936 Aphid

03 Jun 2023 5
Aphids on a sycamore leaf, The real size of one of them is 0.45 mm, magnification is 4.62 mag

IMG 9946 Aphids

03 Jun 2023 3
Aphids on a sycamore leaf. The real size is 2.41 mm, magnification is 3.78

IMG 9929 Aphidv3

03 Jun 2023 4
Aphids at 2.8 Magnification. For the bigger one body size is 1.93 and wing size 3.95

IMG 9968 hoverfly larva

03 Jun 2023 5
Hoverfly larva, the real size is 2.75 mm, magnification is 5.18

55 items in total