IMG 2011 Newt Tadpolev3

Waterworld Winter 21-22

10 Oct 2021

6 visits

IMG 2011 Newt Tadpolev3

Newt tadpole, The real size is 2.53 from eye to eye mm, magnification is 1.4

10 Oct 2021

1 comment

4 visits

IMG 2030 Phantom Midge-1v2

Phantom midge larva. The real size is 10.23 mm, magnification is 1.4

10 Oct 2021

8 visits

IMG 2044 Waterlousev2

Waterlouse, Asellus aquaticus from the pond The real size is 6.63 mm, magnification is 1.4

10 Oct 2021

7 visits

IMG 2056 Waterlousev2

Waterlouse, Asellus aquaticus from the pond, The real size is 10.12 mm, magnification is 1.4

10 Oct 2021

6 visits

IMG 2015 Newtv2

Newt tadpole, from the pond. The real size of the visible portion, is 12.58 mm, magnification is

10 Oct 2021

4 visits

IMG 2033 Newtv2

A newt tadpole, from the pond. The real size of what we can see is 11.27 mm, magnification is 1.68

10 Oct 2021

6 visits

IMG 2039 Waterlousev3

Waterlouse Asellus aquaticus from the pond The real size is 10.79 mm, magnification is 1.4

10 Oct 2021

9 visits

EF7A5867 Newt tadpolev2

Newt tadpole from the garden pond

10 Oct 2021

12 visits

EF7A5884 Newt tadpolev2

Newt tadpole
11 items in total