IMG 3026 Coot

Bromley Birds and other vertebrates August to October

26 Aug 2021

3 visits

IMG 3026 Coot

Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

8 visits

IMG 3028 Duck

Drake Mandarin Duck, Aix galericulata, Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

3 visits

IMG 3046 Gull

Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Black headed Gull, Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

1 favorite

5 visits

IMG 3058 Goose

Goose Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

4 visits

IMG 3071 Goosev2

Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

8 visits

IMG 3107 Moorhenv2

Junior Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

4 visits

IMG 3092 Fishv2

Fish Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

4 visits

IMG 3114 Cootv2

Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra Keston Common

26 Aug 2021

11 visits

IMG 3137 Coot.v2jpg

Eurasian Coots, Fulica atra Keston Common
10 items in total