AntIMG 8150

Bromley Macro Mar to May 2021

  • Photos| Docs

AntIMG 8150

27 Mar 2021 6
Ant from the allotment, the real size is 4.09 mm, magnification is 3.08. I thin Myrmica Ruba

CentipedeIMG 8173

28 Mar 2021
Centipede on newspaper, The real size is 11.8 mm, magnification is 1.4. It is a Lithobius species There is a fly larva as well.

Gall Wasp IMG 8212

01 Apr 2021 3
Female gall wasp (I think), stack of 2 photos. The real size is 2.08 mm, magnification is 3.78, it was found in a moth trap

Moth IMG 8184

01 Apr 2021
Mosquito on a cardboard egg box, the real size is 5.11 mm, magnification is 1.4

Springtail IMG 8156

27 Mar 2021 2
Springtail from the allotment stack of 4 shots. The real size is 4.73 mm, magnification is 1.68 Orchesella villosa


01 Apr 2021 2
Maybe Andrena nigroaena TQ 40034 69005 church house gardens Bromley


01 Apr 2021 2 1
Bee TQ 40034 69005 church house gardens


03 Apr 2021 1 1
I think anthophora plumipes TQ 40104 68783


04 Apr 2021 1
Nomada species TQ 42847 70813


04 Apr 2021 1
I think Queen Red tailed bumblebee, Bombus lapidarius TQ 42847 70813


27 Mar 2021 1
Centipde found in allotment, TQ 40104 68783


27 Mar 2021 2
Centipede found in dandelion roots, TQ 40104 68783


04 Apr 2021 2
Comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album TQ 42847 70813


04 Apr 2021 1
Solitary bee, maybe Andrena Nigrogena. TQ 42847 70813


04 Apr 2021 2
I think female Anthophora plumipes, TQ 42847 70813


04 Apr 2021
Solitary bee no idea of id, TQ 42847 70813


04 Apr 2021
I think Bombus hortorum queen TQ 42847 70813


04 Apr 2021
Hoverfly not sure of species, grid ref TQ 42847 70813

153 items in total