IMG 4663BeeScabiosacolumbariav2

Bromley Macro July August 2020

  • Photos| Docs

IMG 4663BeeScabiosacolumbariav2

IMG 4652Caterpillarv2

IMG 4661BeeScabiosa columbariav2

IMG 4649Caterpillarv2

30 Jun 2020 10
Caterpillar on a white currant leaf.

IMG 4643Whitecurrantsv2

30 Jun 2020 10
White currants - now gone sadly

IMG 4640Grasshopperv2

29 Jun 2020 11
Grasshopper on a white currant leaf

IMG 4632Spiderv3

28 Jun 2020 5
Zebra Spider from the allotment

IMG 4631Spider

28 Jun 2020 15
Zebra Spider from the allotment

IMG 4625Beetlev2

28 Jun 2020 8
Oedemera nobilis from the allotment

IMG 4621Hoverflyv2

28 Jun 2020 10
Hoverfly TQ 40113 68789

IMG 4755Hoverflyv2

IMG 4741Beev2

IMG 4706Spidercompostbin

06 Jul 2020 9
Spider from the allotment

IMG 4723grasshopper

06 Jul 2020 8
Grasshopper from the allotment

IMG 4724Grasshopper

06 Jul 2020 11
Grasshopper from the allotment

IMG 4684GrubSweetcorn

05 Jul 2020 10
Sweetcorn Grub - sadly I released it rather than trying to breed it

IMG 4694Grubsweetcorn

05 Jul 2020 9
Sweetcorn Grub - sadly I released it rather than trying to breed it

IMG 4700Bee

05 Jul 2020 7
Bee from the garden

153 items in total