SpringtailIMG 1934

2020 Bromley Macro Jan to Mar 2020

30 Dec 2019

46 visits

SpringtailIMG 1934

Springtail from the garden, real size is 3.38 mm, magnifcation is 1.2

30 Dec 2019

31 visits

SpringtailIMG 1938

Springtail, the real size is 0.89 mm, magnifcation is 5.0

30 Dec 2019

64 visits

Centipede IMG_1947.

The real size is 13.42 mm, magnifcation is 1.2

12 Jan 2020

30 visits

BumblebeeIMG 9041

Bumblebee Bromley - maybe Bombus terrestris worker - outside the direct line building opposite St Marks Church

12 Jan 2020

60 visits

BumblebeeIMG 9058

Bumblebee Bromley - maybe Bombus terrestris queen - outside the direct line building opposite St Marks Church

12 Jan 2020

35 visits

FlyIMG 9020

Fly outside the direct line building opposite St Marks Church

12 Jan 2020

1 favorite

60 visits

BumblebeeIMG 9012

10 Jan 2020

1 comment

38 visits

BeetleIMG 2019

Beetle Keston Common, the real size is 6.67 mm, magnifcation is 1.4

10 Jan 2020

76 visits

SpiderIMG 2016

Spider Keston Common on newspaper, the real size is 2.35 mm, magnifcation is 3.7
31 items in total