BeeIMG 4121

Bromley Macro April May 2019

  • Photos| Docs

BeeIMG 4121

07 Apr 2019 33
Solitary bee, any idea of ID? Bromley, BR2, South London

MiteIMG 9413

06 Apr 2019 44
Mite at 2.4 Mag, about 0.8 mm, Bromley

MidgeIMG 4405

21 Apr 2019 35
Midge on an apple tree leaf

BeeIMG 4400

18 Apr 2019 1 39
Solitary Bee, or maybe wasp my front garden, Bromley. I think Nomada goodeniana female - a cleptoparasitic bee.

MarshMarigoldIMG 4444

23 Apr 2019 36
Marsh Marigold in the pond, Caltha palustris

PlumeMothIMG 4435

22 Apr 2019 84
Common Plume - Emmelina monodactyla on a Gooseberry Bush, Bromley

ShieldBugIMG 4431

22 Apr 2019 30
Shield bug nymph on wedding ring

ShieldBugIMG 4429

22 Apr 2019 12
Shieldbug Bromley on my hand

BromleyIMG 4454

23 Apr 2019 35
Bee, I am not sure of the ID, Bromley

HoverflyIMG 4451

23 Apr 2019 31
Hoverfly, TQ 40122 68783

HoverflyIMG 4447

23 Apr 2019 35
Hoverfly, TQ 40122 68783

MarshMarigoldIMG 4444

23 Apr 2019 12
Marsh Marigold in the pond, Caltha palustris

MothIMG 4484

25 Apr 2019 37
Moth in a plastic box not sure of ID

SpringtailIMG 9478

05 May 2019 32
Springtail at 2.4 Mag, about 1.9 mm long

WoodlouseIMG 9481

05 May 2019 29
Woodlouse 2.4 Mag, 5.9 mm long

PseudoscorpionIMG 9483

05 May 2019 28
Pseudoscorpion, no idea of ID 2.4 Mag, body 1.6 mm, pincers 1.3

GooseberryIMG 4545

04 May 2019 32
Geometer Caterpillar, no idea of ID, I found this while looking for Gooseberry Sawfly. As there was only one I left alone

HarvestmanIMG 9469

05 May 2019 36
Harvestman at 2.4 Mag body size, 1mm, longest leg 2.1 mm

54 items in total