
Waterlife Winter 2016/17

Explore this photo album by davholla2002 on Flickr!

27 Dec 2016

65 visits


Rat tailed maggots biggest at least 4cm long

27 Dec 2016

19 visits


rat tailed maggots, the largest must have been at least 4cm long

27 Dec 2016

39 visits


Rat tailed Maggots

27 Dec 2016

59 visits


Rat tailed Maggots

12 Feb 2017

46 visits

Rat tailed maggots

Rat tailed maggots

12 Feb 2017

48 visits

Water set up IMG0758

Set up to take photos in water, two photographic plates, cleaned in bleach stuck together with tubing between them. A led light and cloth which was placed over it, plus a flash. This is very much v1 - any ideas welcomed. I want to make similar for land animals but it is not that easy as it has to be cleaner.