David Holland's photos

Hoverfly IMG_5247

17 Jun 2017 28
Hoverfly BR7 6th June

Bug IMG_5212

16 Jun 2017 47
On a hypericum bug with a hypericum flower in the background, never seen this before Part of a set of 4 photos trying to see if more processing is better, I am not convinced, this is less Any thoughts?

Spider IMG_5218

17 Jun 2017 10
Part of a set of 4 photos trying to see if more processing is better, I am not convinced, this is more Any thoughts?

Spider IMG_5218

17 Jun 2017 10
Part of a set of 4 photos trying to see if more processing is better, I am not convinced, this is less. Any thoughts?

Bug IMG_5212

16 Jun 2017 30
On a hypericum bug with a hypericum flower in the background, never seen this before. Part of a set of 4 photos trying to see if more processing is better, I am not convinced, this is more. Any thoughts?

IMG_5200 Crane Fly

11 Jun 2017 39
Crane Fly

IMG_5211 Crane Fly

11 Jun 2017 44
Crane Fly

Bumblebee IMG_5192

11 Jun 2017 31

Moth IMG_5191

Moth IMG_4977

25 Jun 2017 37
Moth 20th June 7.30 am

IMG_5363 Orange Footman

06 Jul 2017 47
Orange Footman Eilema sororcula, 20th June 7.30 am

Bug IMG_5100

10 Jun 2017 33
Not sure what this is, from the park on my hand

Moth IMG_5350

25 Jun 2017 9
Stack of 9 photos at f7.0, at 18th June 18:40

Female Stag Beetle IMG_5079

01 Jul 2017 9
Stack of 9 photos at f8.0, I am quite pleased that I could stack this free hand at this time of night

Moth IMG_5380

25 Jun 2017 32
18 photos taken 20th Jun 7.30


25 Jun 2017 31
Moth taken 20th Jun 7.30 a stack

Moth IMG_5420

24 Jun 2017 16
11 photos at f8.0, taken at 20th June 7.30

Moth MG_5435

24 Jun 2017 8
Stack taken 20th Jun at 7.30 am

11070 items in total