A.d. Nineteentwentyeight's photos

Hotel Adolphus, Dallas, Texas

23 Feb 2010 313
Postmarked 1955.

The Adolphus Hotel, Dallas, Texas

23 Feb 2010 264
Postcard from the 1950's.

Sam Houston's Steamboat House

23 Feb 2010 469
"Steamboat House" where General Sam Houston Died July 26, 1863, Huntsville, Tex.

old house

04 May 2008 1 1 370
Somebody left the front door open.

IMG 0358


07 Feb 2010 1 282
Looks like the same style of wicker furniture in the 'Little girl postcard' Not a big surprise that they may have come from the same photographer, since the postcards were found in the same box in an attic.


07 Feb 2010 1 2 462
No wonder she's not smiling. She's about to go to the electric chair.

Little girl postcard

04 Feb 2010 2 371
Photographer R.L. Osborn, Yantis, Texas

Ugly Public Art

21 Jan 2009 1 278
"You know, the city really ought to do something to clean up these blighted areas ... oh, wait, that's art."

More Ugly Public Art

21 Jan 2009 282
More twisted, rusting iron. Isn't this really an expression of philistinism on the part of the city?

Ugly Public Art

21 Jan 2009 250
A memorial to the destruction of Pearl Harbor? Or the Texas City Disaster?

Squirrel in Pot

15 Jun 2009 1 302
I think the squirrel was trying to cool itself on a hot day.

Cool sign

23 May 2009 2 349
That lightning bolt is meant to indicate that this building belonged to the city's electrical utility. Some interesting art deco features, but a little too much concrete. Looks like the last bunker of the Maginot Line.

Baby Bluebirds

A View of Warlick Park, Paris, Tex.

New High School Building, Hot Springs, Ark.

Two women on a swing

88 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.