
KAPstan 2.0

03 Aug 2015

252 visits


KAPstan subcomponents

03 Aug 2015

247 visits


KAPstan subcomponents

03 Aug 2015

253 visits


KAPstan subcomponents

24 Aug 2015

362 visits


from the idea of Albert den Haan a revised version 2.0 with free-wheel and friction clutch between capstan wheel and reel that keeps the line at low load; capstan size near 250 mm - 10 "; variable handle radius (low load = short; high load = long)

24 Aug 2015

268 visits


from the idea of Albert den Haan a revised version 2.0 with free-wheel and friction clutch between capstan wheel and reel that keeps the line at low load; capstan size near 250 mm - 10 "; variable handle radius (low load = short; high load = long)

24 Aug 2015

250 visits


from the idea of Albert den Haan a revised version 2.0 with free-wheel and friction clutch between capstan wheel and reel that keeps the line at low load; capstan size near 250 mm - 10 "; variable handle radius (low load = short; high load = long)

24 Aug 2015

302 visits


from the idea of Albert den Haan a revised version 2.0 with free-wheel and friction clutch between capstan wheel and reel that keeps the line at low load; capstan size near 250 mm - 10 "; variable handle radius (low load = short; high load = long)