Mariagrazia Gaggero's favorite photos

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BE - Ouren - Europadenkmal

Poppies and Stones

Brücke im Nebel - Misty bridge

Ein Fenster


Perspective vers un hébergement / Perspective towa…

Looking up.

Forth Rail Bridge from South Queensferry to Fife

Derwent in the shade - Forge Valley - (1 x PiP)

Iceland, Þingvallakirkja (Tingvellir Lutheran chur…

DE - Bendorf - Abtei Sayn

Wallace Tower

Centrale Termoelettrica P

Villecroze (Var-France)

Five types of german beer in this café............…

Postua (Vercelli) il ponte sul torrente Strona - P…

16586 items in total