The domes of the Temple of Christ the Savior

Banja Luka

The domes of the Temple of Christ the Savior

Temple of Christ the Savior

Temple of Christ the Savior

Autumn on the river

Gates of the fortress Kastel

Lazy sundey morning in Banja Luka

Greetings from Banja Luka

Look at shop-window

Mirno teče rijeka (The river flows stilly)

Kompozicija sa refleksijom (Composition with refle…

Fall in Banja Luka

The parade of the fiacres

Reklama bara za "bajkere"

Bridge over the green river -(Best viewed large)

01 May 2013 47 20 578
The Vrbas River, which flows through Banmjaluka, has been sung in many songs as "green river".

Parade of showy horses (PiP)

02 Jun 2015 47 22 545
On the occasion of the day and the celebration of the Banja Luka Market, a parade of carriages and thoroughbred horses, horse breeders from the vicinity of Banja Luka is held every year.

Banja Luka - Palace of the Republic

Temple of Christ the Savior.

45 items in total