Dilapidated barn and lone tree

Builded from wood

View from my window

Ethno-village Stanišići (3)

06 Oct 2018 35 15 450
The mission of this ethno village is the development of tourism. The ethno-village Stanišići was formed from the inspiration of one man and his nostalgia for his homeland, which he had to leave because of the unpleasant events of the 1990s, and the mountain village was placed in the middle of the plain. There are two units in the village today. One shows worldly life and is made of wood. It's made up of wooden cabinets with furniture that used to belong to them for centuries. Houses connect paved stone paths, and in the center of the village there are two lakes. The second is a spiritual character and is represented by medieval architecture built in stone, which is in fact a set of replicas of historical and religious significance.

A little less than 100 icicles

All the beauties of my neighborhood

17 Aug 2011 97 58 1563
Do not use my photos on any media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Petar Bojić

Awakening of spring in my backyard

Cat on the program:)

Behind every disappearance be birth

Autumn of life

13 Nov 2010 28 12 711
First place in the Contest Without Prize(2017/07 CWP) "Derelict Structures"

Under the walnut tree

Scene for HFF!

19 Jun 2011 49 38 474
Although exactly nine years have passed of this scene nothing has changed to this day in this yard.

Преља (Spinner)


25 Jan 2021 54 30 385
My neghborhood

Frozen to the bone

Spring in the yard of an abandoned house

65 items in total