Monument to the Port Workers

Sculptures and monuments

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27 Jul 2019

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647 visits

Monument to the Port Workers

("Spomenik lučkim radnicima") "Monument to the Port Workers" it is the work of a sculptor Radete Stankovića set up on the Sava's rivers dock is dedicated to coastal workers perished in World War II.

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20 Oct 2014

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406 visits

Sax man 2

Sculpture by Igor Šeter.

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02 Jul 2018

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580 visits

Palace of the Republic - detail

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20 Oct 2014

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766 visits


Skadarlija is a bohemian quarter in the center of Belgrade (Skadarska ulica). Every day about 20,000 people visit Skadarlija. Due to the proximity of the National Theater, there were many actors who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Other actors, poets, writers, painters came to act with actors.Because of this, many taverns, some of the oldest in Belgrade, were nicknamed in Skadarlija. It was here that dawn was welcomed by artists who entered the history of Serbian culture. One of them is Georgija "Đura" Jaksic / Georgija "Djura" Jaksic (27 July 1832 - 16 November 1878) was a Serbian poet, painter, dramatist and writer who is considered one of the most important representatives of Serbian romanticism.He was also bohemian. His creative and starving life of an educated and temperamental man often took place in the bohemian ambiance of the Skadarlija Taverns Tri šešira i Dva jelena, in front of which in his glory is presented with a sculpture in the picture.

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20 Oct 2014

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350 visits

Palata Jugoslovenske banke

In Kolarceva 1, in Belgrade, there is a building of the Yugoslav Bank, built in 1923 on the corner of Kolaraceva and Macedonia street as the dominant corner building. The project originated in the powder architectural studio of Matija Bleh. Architectural plastic on the building is the work of the sculptor Kiril Pavijk from Prague. On the façade there are ten figure of the Atlant, nine identical male heads with a sword, eight identical female heads with a scarf and seven semi-bog lava. The symbols shown are symbols of strength and heroism.

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22 Mar 2016

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Art and banking

In King Milan Street in Belgrade there is a building in which they have always worked bankers. It was built in 1924. and speaks of the conjunction of architecture, mythology and banking. She was born in academic manner, a ruminated and measured concept. The work is by architect August Reinfels. Facade with sculptural and relief performances in most cases it's work the Slovenian sculptor Lojze Dolinar. Facade architecture is full of symbolic features. Hermes (Merkur) It is designated as a mediator between gods and humans, protector of trade, passengers and everything that makes profit possible. He's skillfully connected with other figures on the facade, which extends his powers. In this to him also "helps" and other sculptures - Poseidon (Neptune), Aphrodite Pelagia, Eupoloy (Venus). So the story of banking also unites all other ways of money - It connects valuable industrialists, merchants, sailors and farmers - on their way to the same goal - achieving profit.

07 Dec 2017

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Holidays are coming!

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05 Oct 2019

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487 visits

Monument to Prince Mihailo Obrenović and the National Museum in Belgrade

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01 Oct 2016

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73 visits

Don Quixote

Sculpture by Don Quixote by Jovan Soldatović. Please see in full size !
18 items in total