Art and banking


Art and banking

22 Mar 2016 27 11 414
In King Milan Street in Belgrade there is a building in which they have always worked bankers. It was built in 1924. and speaks of the conjunction of architecture, mythology and banking. She was born in academic manner, a ruminated and measured concept. The work is by architect August Reinfels. Facade with sculptural and relief performances in most cases it's work the Slovenian sculptor Lojze Dolinar. Facade architecture is full of symbolic features. Hermes (Merkur) It is designated as a mediator between gods and humans, protector of trade, passengers and everything that makes profit possible. He's skillfully connected with other figures on the facade, which extends his powers. In this to him also "helps" and other sculptures - Poseidon (Neptune), Aphrodite Pelagia, Eupoloy (Venus). So the story of banking also unites all other ways of money - It connects valuable industrialists, merchants, sailors and farmers - on their way to the same goal - achieving profit.

Millennium tower

31 May 2015 31 10 492
The Gardoš Tower or the Millennium Tower is 36 meters high and was built in Zemun, in the city of Belgrade, in 1896, at the hill of Gardoš, on the foundations of the ancient Zemun fortress Taurunum from the 9th century. The tower was designed by Hungarian architects, eclectic in a mixture of historical styles, with an emphasis on Romanesque elements. It was built of stone and brick.

Palata Jugoslovenske banke

20 Oct 2014 5 349
In Kolarceva 1, in Belgrade, there is a building of the Yugoslav Bank, built in 1923 on the corner of Kolaraceva and Macedonia street as the dominant corner building. The project originated in the powder architectural studio of Matija Bleh. Architectural plastic on the building is the work of the sculptor Kiril Pavijk from Prague. On the façade there are ten figure of the Atlant, nine identical male heads with a sword, eight identical female heads with a scarf and seven semi-bog lava. The symbols shown are symbols of strength and heroism.

New Belgrade buildings

16 Oct 2014 13 1 337
See in full size, please!

One nice resting place

Restaurant "Old Serbian house" - detail

Quaint mill

The Autumn of Life

Мир Божији, Христос се роди!

06 Jan 2016 35 12 850
To all Orthodox Christians celebrating Christmas Eve and Christmas according to the Julian calendar, happy Christmas Eve and Christmas!

Црква Светог Василија Острошког у Београду

30 Jul 2019 29 14 479
Sveti Vasilije Ostroški, (28 December 1610 – 1671) was a Serbian Orthodox bishop of Zahumlje who is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church.After his death in 1671 he was buried at the Ostrog Monastery he had founded in Montenegro, and his tomb in a cave-church soon became a site of pilgrimage for Christians (both Orthodox and Roman Catholic) and Muslims drawn by reports of miracles occurring through the intercession of the saint. The Monastery of Ostrog is now one of the major pilgrimage sites in the Balkans, and large numbers of pilgrims gather particularly at Pentecost. St. Basil of Ostrog is commemorated in the Serbian orthodox liturgical calendar on April 29 (May 12 in the Gregorian Calendar). HFF!

Zimska noć (Winter night)

23 Jan 2011 66 39 906

Monument to Prince Mihailo Obrenović and the Natio…

Scene for HFF!

19 Jun 2011 49 37 514
Although exactly nine years have passed of this scene nothing has changed to this day in this yard.

Odrazi u vodi


14 Oct 2014 43 24 539
The village of Sakule is located in Banat (Serbia) on the river Tamiš. It is also known as the European Stork Village. There are over 50 nests of storks in Sakula, of which almost 40 are active. Due to the large fish stock, Sakule is a favorite place for fishing among fishermen. The picture shows a typical Pannonian courtyard with a shadoof (a pole with a bucket and counterweight used for raising water) and a painted facade of the house. HWW!

Autumn in my village 2

Winter night at the crossroads

63 items in total