


30 Nov 2019 37 20 653
My youngest granddaughter

02.02.2020. Aleksandra

02 Feb 2020 49 22 571
Today is February 2, 2020 and reads equally in M / D / Y and D / M / Y format.

I'm free!

14 Jul 2012 35 17 544
2-nd place in (SPC 2019/10) "Emotions"

My spring flowers

11 Mar 2020 35 21 498
Aleksandra, Teodora and Natalija


19 Dec 2018 46 23 684
Aleksandra i Natalija, my granddaughters

Archie - our handsome dog forever in our hearts

11 Dec 2011 44 27 878 He left us today!

One grandfather and three granddaughters in the wa…

13 Oct 2018 17 4 557
Three granddaughters are: Natalija (7), Aleksandra (4) and Theodora (18 monts). Not in the photo - Jovana (17).Grandpa is 68 years old.

Two friends to loiter away one's time

...and I'm was a kid

04 Dec 2010 17 13 716
I've recently discovered this photo, like some others, and I want to save them in this way from oblivion for me and my descendants.On the photo are my deceased parents who are have me worn 30 km to nearest doctor.


08 Apr 2018 16 14 617
My youngest granddaughter, just filled one year

She is looking forward to spring

Two with moustache

H.A.N.W.E. and the rest of the summer

18 Jul 2010 18 11 562
I'm running into this shade on 15 days!

107 items in total