Green summer landscape


World Photography Day - Stump, mushrooms, moss...

19 Aug 2021 35 18 297
Mushroom: Fomes fomentarius

IMG 20210809 133604

One summer landscape for a little game

25 Jul 2015 35 10 196
What keyword is missing from this photo? A little help : it's about mine nice shot keeper .

Pictures from manifestation "The conference a bab…

Two species of overripe plums

HBM from my walking tour today

Something interesting is happening during the shoo…

Cat in the October sun (PiP)

Colors of autumn, all around me

Autumn in the canyon of Ugar river (PiPs)

Night enchantment

Little girl is playing in the woods

31 Dec 2021 35 24 322
The girl is Teodora , the youngest of my four granddaughter. She makes lunch for her grandfather.

The arrival of Christmas Eve

06 Jan 2022 30 14 263
Let Christmas be happy and blessed to all Orthodox Christians celebrating Christmas on the Julian calendar! The badnjak (Cyrillic: бадњак, Serbian pronunciation: [bǎdɲaːk]), is a tree branch or young tree brought into the house and placed on the fire on the evening of Christmas Eve, a central tradition in Serbian Christmas celebrations. The tree from which the badnjak is cut, preferably a young and straight Austrian oak, is ceremonially felled early on the morning of Christmas Eve. The felling, preparation, bringing in, and laying on the fire, are surrounded by elaborate rituals, with many regional variations. The burning of the log is accompanied by prayers that the coming year brings food, happiness, love, luck, and riches. The log burns on throughout Christmas Day, when the first visitor strikes it with a poker or a branch to make sparks fly, while wishing that the family's happiness and prosperity be as abundant as the sparks. How many sparks, that much happiness in this house. How many sparks, that much money in the household head's pocket. How many sparks, that many sheep in the pen. How many sparks, that many pigs and lambs. How many sparks, that many geese and chickens, and most of all, health and joy. (Wikipedia)


Harvesting plums

"Šešir moj"

16 Nov 2017 33 19 1080
Skadarlija is a bohemian quarter in the center of Belgrade (Skadarska ulica). Every day about 20,000 people visit Skadarlija. Due to the proximity of the National Theater, there were many actors who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Other actors, poets, writers, painters came to act with actors.Because of this, many taverns, some of the oldest in Belgrade, were nicknamed in Skadarlija. It was here that dawn was welcomed by artists who entered the history of Serbian culture.

Ова зима

Forest springs

30 Jan 2022 37 25 252

275 items in total