Grey Fan tail


Grey Fan tail

30 Sep 2015 4 5 450
some times birds just seem to land at your feet

Scarlet Robin

20 Aug 2015 8 14 571
A bird that led me on a merry chase for 20min decided to pose Axe gives some scale to this bird.

Blue Wren Pair

01 Aug 2015 1 401
this is the male in full colour.

New Zealand Pigeon

#10 Red Wattle Bird

30 Sep 2015 10 4 542
The bird was calling in the late afternoon sun but its beak is full of insects.

Do you mind I'm Drying

23 Aug 2016 4 4 311
Taking full advantage of the wind and the sunshine

Osprey Hanging in the air

23 Aug 2016 7 4 432
I walked around Lake Richmond to try and find a mating pair that live in the area.

Birds and Reeds

Splendid Blue Fairy wren

04 Jan 2017 10 12 467
I went back to get the Red wing wren i saw the week before but no show.

Find the bird

26 Dec 2016 2 10 426
The shot i got but this is a very heavy crop. The "did not show" the Red Wing Wren so a third trip, from first trip with no big lens. you will get an idea just how small they really are in the landscape.....

North Island Robin

20 Apr 2015 11 20 479 my father was breaking ground to get the tiny bird closer, my boots are just out of view as i am sitting legs apart on wet ground to get closer. Birds a baptism of fire in the dark in the bush in the wilds there is no second chance or set up. any one who shoots birds will tell you small birds never sit still long enough. enjoy my first under real pressure.

Brown Honey Eater.

13 Sep 2017 2 4 255 the routine was land out on the Wisteria check all is ok then fly to the Rose . this is part of the nest fixing stage cobwebs where a plenty.

Part 3

13 Sep 2017 2 1 261
Reacting to the sound of the camera behind the glass.

Part 4

13 Sep 2017 3 10 367
Nest building in Ernest yes i can hear you.

Part 11 Mums home

25 Sep 2017 5 6 267
it has taken me 4 days to get this shot no matter how slow i was able to push the lens through the join in the curtains she flew away. today i got 10 pegs(hold curtain closed around the lens) tripod and had it all set up most of the day till she got use to it and flew in.

Part 12 Chick 1

07 Oct 2017 5 6 246
we get up today to find the shell tossed out the nest in the pot below. tomorrow will be chick 2 as well.

Part 15 I can Hear you

15 Oct 2017 2 2 216
For these shots i am hiding in the cloths closet with the 150-600mm lens results worth it. for the first time we can actually hear the baby make a noise when the parents get on the rose bush.

Part 18 Fully feathered

19 Oct 2017 4 2 273
I know its getting close to fly away time when i looked in before i got my camera the chick was up stretching but now as you can see its making itself as small as it can . time line we have two days left if the books are right. once the chick is gone i will remove the nest and post close ups of it. To think this is no more than 8" outside our bedroom window 3" above the ground. the storm on the weekend i had to cut all the flowers off as they where acting as sails in the very strong winds. the bush was being shaken beyond belief, we have got this far what are a few flowers to help nature .... compare the PIP 12 days ago.

72 items in total