Ficus Retusa


Ficus Retusa

06 Feb 2018 3 6 462
Grown on rock for the last 13 years . to help the rock sit flat its sitting on a hose halo the light blue underneath. I did not go close so you get the idea of scale 300mm high on the rock. just inside our front door. PIP is close to 2 1/2 years ago

Reluctant Bonsai ??????

18 Jan 2018 10 18 766
I was told "it will never survive"(expert advice from the garden center) a Bougainvillea i dug out of the garden destined for the bin. This covered our whole back fence but What if ... Enjoy the flowers from the dead tree and two years work.


06 Sep 2014 8 13 479
15 year old plant , sorry the heavenly scent is not captured.

Ficus Retusa No1

04 Oct 2015 1 289
10 years on Granite platter Natural Rock.

Ficus Retusa No2

24 Jul 2016 2 3 358
1 years on 20 kg granite platter from one of my bush photo sites.

Two old Friends and one very new one.

26 Oct 2016 1 8 402
Some thing very old and some thing quite new but still old.

Repot in a whole different pot

17 Feb 2018 3 6 437
This plant started as a trunk the size of my arm now it the size of my legs. it grew to small for the pot in the PIP. i can just lift the tree cannot lift the pot and the tree. pot is 900mm x 350mm plant is close to a meter. all the leaves have been removed to encourage secondary branching. getting close to 30 years old.

Melaluca Incana Nana (Starter)

08 Mar 2018 4 4 356
I am giving a go with 100% west Australian native plants for a change hardest part is find one that may work. i did not take a photo before but it was a pompom huge mass of small leaves and branches took me about an hour to find this underneath. The plant at the moment is totally over potted but the pot i want to fit it in is in the front a good three years away. this came out of a pot 50mm x 50mm by 250mm high totally the wrong thing for me to start with but not going to shy away from a challenge.

Borya constricta Churchill

22 Apr 2018 9 15 383
One of natures true native Bonsai's. This is all over the huge granite outcrops i take photos on. at the moment the plant is turning green and the moss also its winter its raining and the plant comes to life. in summer its a bright orange "Autumn like" in hibernation till the rains come next winter. lives just as you see it in that much or less soil as this has as it straight off the rock onto this Granite plate. no fertiliser on added water this plant will live apart from the rest like it was living on the rock to live the same seasons. the plant is no more than 40mm high has white flowers in winter..... this is a big learning curve. look at the first two photos. PIP no 2

Borya constricta Churchill

23 Jun 2018 5 9 371
Winter cloths and new plants coming up There is even a new flower starting to develop. compare to the PIP's you can see the winter colour of being out of hibernation.

Drosera Menziesii: open out large after reading be…

29 Jun 2018 4 8 343
Coming up in the middle of the plate in all the Borya constricta Churchill there are two Drosera (sun dew plants carnivorous). look at the left hand side plant has a fly that fly about the moss. these plant are living in nitrogen poor soil this is how they get there fertilizer.

Borya constricta Churchill

29 Jun 2018 3 4 294
The plant and a seeding in front in the moss. note how the moss has changed in winter. note the plant is like a palm and its very spiky.

Borya constricta Churchill : flower stem

29 Jun 2018 6 8 339
if you look to the right you can see that there is a flower stem starting to show.

Wild Flower

19 Aug 2018 14 16 359
Borya constricta Churchill flower came out not a flower many people will ever see even here in Perth, the flower head is no bigger than 10mm. PIP shows the whole group.

Chinese Elm- Bonsai

10 Oct 2018 5 2 230
A tree that is a 30 years old after being the cafe lots of branches died back so they got cut off. So for the last 6 years it remake the tree all over again. Bonsai is a none stop enjoyment and accepting changes a living with the tree through the seasons and years. This tree in all the years I have had it within a week after the shortest day of the year it start to come out in leaf not the typical spring time.

Dragon On the Bonsai Wisteria

08 Oct 2018 8 6 283
This year I have no flowers it has just come into leaf , I hope its just this year moving to a warmer part of town and I repotted into a larger pot. PIP is a few years ago.

Adenanthos sericeus

11 Nov 2018 7 7 241
Bonsai Society of Western Australia exhibition. This grows huge you are looking at 1'

NZ Manuka

11 Nov 2018 10 5 372
Bonsai Society of Western Australia exhibition. The one plant you just dont touch does not like its roots pruned . He showed three but would not give any thing away.

57 items in total