Doerthe's photos

23 May 2024

2 favorites

12 visits

The Flower Moon.

22:40 Outside my home tonight, May 23rd, 2024. This is what I found about the Flower Moon: The effects of a full moon can be felt approximately two days prior and two days after its actual peak and the upcoming full flower moon occurring in Sagittarius on May 23 feels fiery, fresh, enigmatic and passion-driven.

22 May 2024

5 favorites


21 visits

Good Night!

21 May 2024

5 favorites


23 visits

My passion is cooking!

No rice in my stuffed green peppers.

20 May 2024

1 favorite

11 visits

A series of storms

20 May 2024

2 favorites

23 visits

After the storm.

19 May 2024

2 favorites

19 visits

After the thunderstorm.

19 May 2024

3 favorites


17 visits

Temperature drop of 22 degrees F.

A sudden severe thunderstorm brought very heavy rain and hail.

17 May 2024

7 favorites


25 visits

8:37 P.M. in Michigan

17 May 2024

3 favorites

18 visits

Good Night!

4145 photos in total