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  Publication date  /  2020  /  March   -   58 photos

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  • Sunset 2-29-20
  • It is March...
  • When the Great Lakes freeze thousands of diving ducks are forced into the open St. Clair River to survive.
  • Adding oil to their feathers at the icy edge on the river.
  • Sleeping Long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis)
  • Goldeneye duck
  • Male Downy Woodpecker
  • Female Downy Woodpecker
  • A rare sight in our area, this opossum was the highlight
  • Perfectly camouflaged
  • Simmering in its own path: Earth
  • Red-bellied Woodpecker
  • From a great distance...
  • A patient horse let me come close and touch his nose.
  • Eastern Bluebird
  • Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
  • A new home has been built.
  • Decaying sycamore leaf
  • Dreams of summer in Austria
  • Oberwoelz, Austria
  • My collection of photos from this afternoon
  • Squirrels on birdfeeders...
  • !..............!
  • No COVID-19 can cross this span of water between Canada and US.
  • International Blue Water Bridge...
  • Logic has failed! This is the paper goods aisle.
  • I practised my 'Social Distancing' today...
  • March in Michigan
  • 1 inch thick steel rods in broken concrete...
  • Concrete sewer pipe connector 6 ft. tall...
  • Just woke up from his hibernation winter...
  • Macedonian Church, Sterling Heights, Michigan
  • Romeo, Michigan
  • Attica, Michigan
  • Yale, Michigan
  • Port Huron, Michigan
  • Marine City, Michigan, Catholic Church
  • Port Huron, Michigan
  • Tiny country church, somewhere in Michigan
  • Somewhere in Michigan
  • North Branch, Michigan
  • When 'Stay Home' is ordered...
  • Independence!
  • By our patio.
  • A March day in Michigan.
  • Calling for a mate.
  • March 23rd, 2020, Michigan
  • Even on a snowy day...
  • An empty goose egg...
  • This is where I would like to be right now...
  • The joy of Spring
  • Churning humanity
  • Mr. & Mrs. House Finch at our feeder.
  • A male House Finch is watching me.
  • A strange bird...
  • In the midst of...
  • In the midst of...
  • Anthurium flowers bloom for me every day.