Art with stickers

Art and Crafts

13 Nov 2016

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154 visits

Art with stickers

This image comes from a book with designs that lets the user affix stickers from attached sheets. A new kind of fun project.

22 Nov 2005

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176 visits

A rainy afternoon in Austria

One of my old drawings, colored pencil on Mylar. This was in Murau, Steiermark, Austria, 2005. In the picture are my stepfather (front) and my husband in the red jacket.

22 Nov 2005

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202 visits

Monastery in Austria /// Stift in St. Lambrecht

Winter in St. Lambrecht, Styria, Austria. I drew this in 2000 to use as a Christmas card. A couple from Austria bought the original drawing. As a nine-year old I was in this church many Sunday mornings with my Aunt Grete. The floor in the narthex is covered with carved stone monuments of influential dignitaries and priests of Austria. My Aunt and Uncle's house was a few hundred feet away from the monastery. (My uncle was a men's tailor and his specialty was Austrian costumes.)

14 Feb 2017

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148 visits

Girl in India

Prismalcolor on Mylar drawing. That was my favorite technique to draw with. I only ever knew of one artist that used the same technique in the US. When drawing on Mylar the pencils have to be very soft, otherwise the surface gets damaged. Prismacolor pencils are perfect but they brake very easily and have to be sharpened every minute or so. I average 40 to 50 colors for one drawing. They can be used with another color or two, but when the surface is saturated, it appears shiny and becomes permanent and as durable as oil paints. When the drawing is complete the back image can be seen exactly the same way as the front. I have to place the drawings on a sheet of paper to give it the background for framing. I still have all 125 colors of pencils the company ever made.

24 Sep 2012

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209 visits

52-Ballerina Intensity

I photographed this drawing I did with colored pencil on Mylar.

24 Sep 2012

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141 visits

47-At the barre

I photographed this drawing I did with colored pencil and ink on Mylar.

24 Sep 2012

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205 visits

25-Ballet pair 'Dreams'

I photographed this drawing I did with colored pencil on Mylar. I don't remember how many hours it took to draw the details of the dress, but it was a project of many days. The drawing is only 6 inches by 8 inches tall.

22 Nov 2005

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144 visits

Ireland-Leap Castle

22 Nov 2005

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157 visits

Oberwoelz, Austria

305 items in total