Supermoon was Oct. 16th

Sky, Moon

18 Oct 2016

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Supermoon was Oct. 16th

Supermoon was on Oct. 16th, but the moon was still very bright last night. Here is what Wikipedia says about the Supermoon: A supermoon is the coincidence of a full moon or a new moon with the closest approach the Moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth.[1] The Moon's distance varies each month between approximately 357,000 kilometers (222,000 mi) and 406,000 km (252,000 mi) due to its elliptical orbit around the Earth (distances given are centre-to-centre).[6][7][8]

13 Nov 2016

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Supermoon Nov. 14th, 2016

NASA Information: The moon is closer to earth by 17,000 miles than it has been since 1948 and will not be again this close until 2034.

14 Nov 2016

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Supermoon, just above the horizon

14 Nov 2016

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Supermoon Nov. 14th, 2016, 6:50 P.M.

10 Jun 2017

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The June Strawberry Moon

The actual date of this full moon was June 9th. You can read about the strawberry moon on the Internet.

21 Aug 2017

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Solar eclipse, Aug. 21st, 2017, 2:27:28 p.m.

Imlay City, Michigan. The moon is visible at the bottom of the sun.

21 Aug 2017

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Solar eclipse seen through my pinhole viewer.

03 Dec 2017

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168 visits

Last Supermoon 2017

The larger than usual moon (closer to earth) had a very colorful set of rings around it tonight.

03 Dec 2017

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Supermoon Dec. 3rd, 2017.

This is what my camera picked up. Even though the moon is not clear, the rings are what I noticed very vividly in this image.
49 items in total