Camouflage cat


Camouflage cat

18 Oct 2016 5 3 183
My cat "Patch" in the autumn leaves

Friends, приятели

Bom aniversário, querido Branco (2 anos)

Branco in the pond

Patch waiting for her afternoon tea

Sinope relaxing by the pool

Garip & Branco resting peacefully

El perro del guía

18 Jan 2017 1 192
Cascada Los Tercios, Suchitoto, El Salvador

Asker Garip

03 Mar 2017 3 4 170
He was just looking into the distance this afternoon.

Branco shaking off after swimming

Birthday Boy Branco - 3 years old

07 Oct 2017 14 20 217
Garip found him in the forest at the age of about 7 weeks, so his birthday is an estimate.

Garip & Branco - afternoon nap

Water flowing over driveway

10 Feb 2018 9 10 231
90 mm rain in one day

Water over the dam

10 Feb 2018 15 18 425
90 mm rain in one day

Garip & Branco

Asker Garip watching a squirrel

17 Mar 2018 1 3 190
Garip watched this squirrel for at least five minutes. The squirrel was very careful to avoid the side of the feeder near the dog. Eventually, Garip lost interest, and the squirrel ate peacefully.

Branco wading across the pond

Garip by the pond

45 items in total