Northern mockingbird


Northern mockingbird

14 Jan 2014 135
Mimus polyglottos

Sandhill cranes and assorted ducks

25 Jan 2014 19 12 256
This photo was taken at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alabama. Thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of waterfowl come here in the winter. There are usually a few of the very rare whooping cranes, although I don't see any in this photo. I doubt I will go there this winter (2020). Originally posted 27 January 2015.

Eastern phoebe

30 Jan 2014 2 2 151
Sayornis phoebe

Hermit thrush

31 Jan 2014 166
Catharus guttatus

Carolina wren

06 Feb 2014 149
Thryothorus ludovicianus

Great blue heron

13 Feb 2014 1 132
Ardea herodias

House finch

17 Apr 2014 4 2 161
Haemorhous mexicanus

Eastern kingbird

22 Apr 2014 198
Tyrannus tyrannus

Red-headed woodpecker

06 May 2014 162
Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Red-headed woodpecker

07 May 2014 3 2 152
Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Red-headed woodpecker

07 May 2014 143
Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Common starling

17 May 2014 1 136
Sturnus vulgaris

Yellow warbler

25 May 2014 1 1 134
Setophaga petechia

Groove-billed ani

26 Sep 2014 16 19 263
Crotophaga sulcirostris Photographed in El Salvador. Originally posted 27 January 2015

Ara macao

Hermit thrush

15 Nov 2014 16 19 277
Catharus guttatus Do you have any idea how difficult it is to take a photo with your left hand? Originally posted on 27 January 2015.

Carolina chickadee

23 Jan 2015 135
Poecile carolinensis

Cedar waxwing

24 Jan 2015 2 136
Bombycilla cedrorum

313 items in total